Feb 20, 2007 21:55
some statistical comparisons between LA, CA and LA, AL. It is important to note that these findings are based upon my limited experience with Los Angeles. In no way are they meant to represent a complete picture of life in area code 619, or bear any real resemblence to reality, for that matter.
ratio of nasties to hotties:
LA (Lower Alabama*)-5:1
LA (Los Angeles)-3:1
ratio of douchey-looking people to not-sucky looking people:
ratio of Japanese restaurants to every other kind:
ratio of Hispanic restaurants to non-japanese restaurants:
ratio of non-white "minorities" to the collective white devil:
ratio of burn-out failed actress future stripper/porn stars to college drop-out future
wal-mart workers/career secretaries:
LA*-1:10(rough guestimate. I've never actually met one of the former in Mobile)
-Los Angeles has the finest and most diverse selection of fast food/grab-and-go eateries I've ever encountered
-In the Hollywood area, people tend to dress like they are going to the club at 10 in the morning
-Anaheim has illuminated street signs at every major intersection. I thought this was worth mention, as it is an excellent idea that most cities I've been to seem not to have thought of. This should happen here, but it probably never will.
-the women in southern california are more flirtacious and likely to openly eye-rape you than women around here. it was both flattering and a bit off-putting. I need to do more research into this topic before I can draw a definite conclusion.
-the locals I met seemed decent and not up their own ass as I suspected they would be. Although, I didn't meet enough of them to alter my preconceived notions. I need to deal with a larger cross-section of the population before I can more accurately calculate its percentage of assholes.
-the high cost of living in LA is offset by the perfect weather and copious amount of shit to do. I wouldn't mind moving, but I dunno if I would be comfortable in a city of that size and population.
if you've read this far, your reward is only the knowledge that I took a shit-ton of pictures and they shall be posted on my facebook posthaste.