i woke up at 1 pm today not thinking it would be the start of something that could very well mean my future.
my parents ambushed me in my room and told me it was time to decide. ONCE AND FOR ALL.
it official guys!
i'm outta here by july!
we decided that i'd study in australia already and not waste anymore time. we're targeting the spring semester
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Emphasis on the MOVE FORWARD..Things have been pretty :| for you the past few years and making YOUR OWN decision is the only thing that will get you moving. Im very happy for you.. and very sad for myself. I'll miss you too much and i guess i'm just not cheesy enough to say this to you face to face.. BUT I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH.. BLOODSISTERS FOR LIFE. Seriously. BFF's since grade freaking 1 dude. I can't believe by next year i'll be losing you to (fcukyou) Aussie kids that will take my BFF-place in your heart. Boohoo. I think that this is gonna be a good thing for you since you've wanted a step forward and direction for so long. Things will be looking up from now on! I just do hope that this is YOUR DECISION and not your parents or others deciding for you.. cause that will prolly put you back to the same exact-square one place you are in right now. Remembere to do things and decide for whats right for you and not anyone else... Its time to stop being a mom (thinking about others) and just put yourself first for once. I'm super happy for you and we just have to make every last second we have together as worthwhile as we possibly can. I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Call me!:D:D:D
<3 M
i couldn't stop crying kanina when i realized that this is IT. then i stopped. then i read this. now im crying again. hahahahaha! im ready to leave now. but a part of me will always be here in the philippines, partying it out. YOU. YUCK TALK ABOUT CHEESEBALLLLLLSSSS!!!! hahahahaha loko.
i shouldnt have made this dicission while PMSing. its twice more emotional.
but really, thanks. i wouldnt have survived the unchartered waters of society without you. you're my best and no aussie bloke or shiela can ever take your place :)
Anyway... You spelled DECISION wrong. DICISSION AMP. :)):)):))
Those are the things I will def. miss mannnnnnnnnn.
one more time, DICISSION. =))
yup, thats me! worng spellings, typos, ronda around the village to smoke, ULTIMATE booze downs, spontaneous sleep overs, taking forever to dress up, getting annoyed at the exact same person exactly the same time for exactly the same reasons, SPIES (yes, i said it), running in the rain in out bikinis, OF SOME SORT, late nights and oh my god this list can go on forever. man... what will you do with out me? or what will i do without you?? :(
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