Title: The Anatomy of Birds (1/4)
Author: callmetofu
jules1013 and
deadbeat_nymphRating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not Mine
Characters: Michael, Lincoln, Mama Scofield
Category: Childhood Gen, angst, AU
Summary: Michael has wings.
It was a Monday--no a Sunday--when Michael was born. )
Comments 9
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Thank you for reading.
Poor Linc.
Can't wait to see what happens next.
I guess I always wanted a better explanation for Michael and Lincoln's bond so I gave them a secret that they share. That and I thought Michael would look very cute with wings and it gives him a good opportunity to angst about something.
When asked I shall pretend that the wings are a metaphor for Michael's LLI and overall specialness.
The use of this metaphor to convey Michael's ethereal quality is very powerful and convincing. And such a wonderfully original idea - congratulations! You really are a very talented writer.
The characterisation also strikes me as spot on.
And I just saw this is part 1 of 4. Can't wait for the rest! :)
Last Christmas I asked and Marilyn wrote me an Angel Michael with Wing.
I still love it very much. And still come back to read it many times.
Just want you to know that how happy I am reading your fic.
I love your writing very much too.
THANKS YOU VERY MUCH for writing. <3.
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