Date #2

Apr 09, 2010 23:07

Dud! Total dud ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

embers_log April 10 2010, 15:02:43 UTC
Just checking.... are we 100% sure that bald Indian doctor guy doesn't have a wife and kids back in India?
(don't hit me!)


callmeserenity April 10 2010, 15:29:50 UTC
Goodness. I hope not, since he grew up in Canada!


embers_log April 10 2010, 16:08:54 UTC
Well, I shouldn't be paranoid... I've just found that some Indian men don't find it necessary to be completely honest to women w/whom they hope to sleep....

but I shouldn't be like that...huh? Well I should get back to working on my taxes (they are making me all bad moody).


callmeserenity April 10 2010, 17:01:18 UTC
I should be working on my taxes, too. Instead I've been designing labels for my hand dyed yarns and flirting with the doctor on YIM.

I don't know if this has any bearing, but his family is devout catholic and he's been in Canada since he was little. And, he invited me over to rent a movie and I told him quite explicitly that I was only interested in watching a movie...nothing else.

"with whom they hope to sleep" that's a funny turn of phrase.


anonymous April 10 2010, 16:04:05 UTC
Yikes, sounds like some of my dates. I think he might have skipped some of your profile. I always ask if they've read my profile, ever since some guy contacted me that was allergic to cats! I mean, they are non-negotiable!

Maybe today's date will be better, hopefully.


ancientgirl April 10 2010, 16:08:05 UTC
Sorry, it posted me as anonymous.


callmeserenity April 10 2010, 16:55:51 UTC
Yeah, he was going on about hamburgers and I said I like the garden burger at Red Robin and he looked at me askance for a bit and then went "Oooh, yeah! You're vegetarian!" *eyeroll*


embers_log April 10 2010, 17:31:06 UTC
I think this guy can just be told that the cat and vegetarian issues are the reason you won't go out w/him again (if he actually gets his act together to call you)...
no reason to say that he is indecisive, annoying, and boring! lol


wildigital April 10 2010, 18:56:26 UTC
Well, at least it spares you from an agonising choice between three brilliant suitors. Still, maybe Mr 2009 can provide the Doc with a bit of competition. I am right in thinking that Red Robin was where you took me and you were questioned if you were one of those vegetarians who didn't even eat chicken?


callmeserenity April 10 2010, 18:58:03 UTC
Yes! Good memory! And good burgers!!

And, who knows? I actually don't have very high hopes for Mr. 2009. I'm thinking he will probably end up more of a friend. But who knows? I'm actually just having fun and not worrying about it all too very much.


citizen247 April 11 2010, 11:30:01 UTC
Wait, I don't remember going on a date with you?

Anyway, I disagree, the correct response is "Your share? You mean you want me to pay mine?!"

Not that I've ever really been on a date, but I'm unlikely to get anything else out of it so might as well try for the free food angle.

Of course I'm more of a Dog person (I'm not talking about the person I'm on a date with, bear with me), but I don't mind Cats, though they do seem to enjoy using me as a climbing frame. Of course you have to go domesticated, I find Wild Cats too gamey, though it doesn't notice so much in a Biryani.

It's pretty bad he didn't compliment you. I always try and think of something, like "nice rack" or "seriously, those are natural!", you know something classy and complimentary. Yet still I'm single, I can't understand it.

I trust the Doctor comes with his own sonic screwdriver?


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