hard day

Feb 10, 2010 21:19

Today was a funeral service for a co-worker who passed away Sunday. So it was a really hard day in the office. Pretty much the entire Business Office came to her service and there was hardly a dry eye in the place.  She was a wonderful person and we'll miss her very much ( Read more... )

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embers_log February 11 2010, 04:30:13 UTC
sweet dreams.... {{hugs}}


callmeserenity February 11 2010, 22:17:01 UTC
Hopefully tonight I can get a good night's sleep and stop having weird dreams about work and death and everything. Then I know I"ll feel better about life.

Your postcard really cheered me up, too! Thanks!


embers_log February 11 2010, 23:29:00 UTC
I'm glad you got the Valentine, but I totally should have thought about chocolates! lol


callmeserenity February 11 2010, 23:33:19 UTC
Well, I feel guilty because I was going to send out Valentines and then, with the break up and everything, I haven't been in the mood. :(


embers_log February 11 2010, 23:42:50 UTC
do not feel guilty!
first of all almost no one sends Valentines, so you not doing it is more normal than not...
and second: no one w/a broken heart would even think of sending out Valentines! That would be too painful.


callmeserenity February 11 2010, 23:57:01 UTC
And see, that's why I wanted to send Valentines in the first place. I was happy and in love and I wanted to spread a bit of that love to all my friends.

I feel even worse because I have a couple of letters I need to send out and it's depressing when you don't have any good news. "I got dumped and a co-worker died. It's been a really shitty month."

I'll get over myself soon, it's just been a really long and crappy week.


embers_log February 12 2010, 00:04:57 UTC
You are entitled to mourn... don't say that you need to 'get over yourself', you need to mourn the death of love and the loss of your coworker. It is important to take the time necessary (as long a time as that turns out to be).

Running, and other exercise is good, playing with your friends, and other fun is really good, but you still have to allow yourself time to feel miserable, it is necessary.


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