
Feb 08, 2010 19:08

Ever since I ran the race last year, I've been excited about this year's Corporate Challenge. Not only do I want to beat my time from last year, I want to make it a big event in my company. Out of a company of about 2500 people, we had 8 participants. LAME!  We can SO do better. I want a big tent, pot luck, coolers full of beer and pop, a big giant party AND lots of people walking and running. And then I got John training with me so we could run it together this year.  We were going to the gym together and doing my Couch to 5K program together and it was a lot of fun and I was enjoying it, running was fun again.

And then we broke up.

I still am excited about the CC and I still want to get back into running and do my training program, but now when I go to the gym to run it's not fun, it's painful.  I worry I'm going to see him and it makes me think of him and how he'd make me laugh or we'd talk about what was on the tvs in between running and it was just so much nicer having a running buddy. It's depressing now and I have to force myself to go.  It makes me so angry at him but the anger doesn't help me run because it constricts my throat and then I can't breathe, which is already a problem for me when I'm running. My legs want to go faster, but my lungs don't.  So, being angry does not help me run.

So that's where I'm at. I want to run, but it makes me miserable.  Thanks a lot, John.
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