OMG!! This place is still here?!?!

Sep 12, 2008 12:45

*pokes at my LJ*

*hears a faint groaning noise* It lives!!!

Or, I suppose more appropriately, I live!!! Yes, that's right. Four months without a peep to anyone and I have finally returned.

Let's just say that for the past few months I've felt... well, rather non-existent. For a long time I was trying really hard to get a job that I really really wanted, and that took up a lot of my time and energy, and then went nowhere. I didn't get the job and that kind of put me into a bit of a funk.

But just this week I got another job! Woot! I'm now a photographer at a local portrait studio. It's... okay. To be honest it's not what I thought it would be. It's far more corporate than I had hoped, and focused much more on sales and numbers than I'm really comfortable with. But! It is a job in my industry, and that is what matters.

This job will be a good stepping stone in my career. I figure I'll stay here for a few months, get the experience and some nice references, then move on. It'll be good.

I'm still working at the zoo, but not the resturant because they went crazy. So I'm holding down two jobs and will hopefully be able to move out sometime in the next few months. (Being 22 and still living at home with my mom is, frankly, driving me mental. I love my mother... I need her to not be living in my pockets. No offense to you mothers out there, but when it's time to let your kids grow up... please just let them.)

And... yeah. That is, sadly, it. Four months gone and that's all I have. Whatever. ;)

I will say though that I love you all and miss you. I have been keeping up with you guys via my friends list, I just haven't been responding. *hugs you all tight*

Hopefully I'll have more to say in the near future. :)

- Meagan
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