Jan 14, 2008 23:10
So, not much going on in the land of me recently. My job is... not as great as it used to be. lol. Already, right? Well, they refuse to allow me to be a server. Not that they don't want me to be a server, but because I'm such a damn good host (take that, Spaghetti Factory, you evil bitch). So I get to 'teach' the other hostess how to do their job becuase they're all too ditzy to figure out this common sense job all on their own. I don't get to serve until the owners think the other hostess are up to par. Read all this as: If it doesn't get better by the end of January I'm leaving. One cannot live off of minimum wage afterall.
Aaaand... I'm going to go apply for my business liscence on Wednesday. *meeps* After that all that's left is getting up the nerve to start taking my portfolio to local newspapers. Again I say *meep*.
Other than that, I've got nothing. Ooh, except for a new LJ layout. Like it? That's my picture. Well, obviously not the galaxy part, that I shameless stole off the internet. But yeah.
Oh, and one more thing and this is important, so read it. I've finally decided to change my username. And I know, I know, I've been 'thinking' about it forever it seems, but I finally came up with something that keeps the name Rayray, since that's how you all know and love me *grins*, but loses the 'faulks' part, cuz I've always hated that part.
As of tomorrow night my name will be changed to callmerayray. Good, no? I thought so. :)
That is all, my darlings. *smooches*
- Meagan