Nov 16, 2003 12:26
yeah so i'm so tired x3274632856439576489527659! i didn't get to bed till like 2:30 cause i spent it on the phone with eric! <3
so today i have to pack and then try and give out these damn girl scout cookies. argh. i want to chill with my little cookie but like he's recording today and well a person's got to do what a person's got to do. blehhhhhh. ohhh man i get my negitives back tommorow from my tango shoot. lol. paul if you suck i may have to kill you! mwahahahahahaha!
couting down the days till i leave this insane town. ahh! a vacation! a get away! i'm getting sick of it here...ohhh boy stephan just called. he wants to "hang out". what a fruit on wheels! no better yet...a "pot hed"! not kool!
i want to go x-mas shopping! i'm feelin' a little jolllaaaayyyyyyyyyyy! sweet.
ahhh koolnesss!
inga <3