It was a nice, warm welcome...a little too warm though.

Feb 21, 2007 20:54

I've officially come to the internal conclusion that I do not like and hereby reject the University of Notre Dame's Admitted Students Welcome Page. The only real thing to do on it is buzz around the message board and see what the other Early Admit Prospects have to say about life, love, and their 30 AP classes and test results...

It isn't a bad idea by any means. It's nice to have some connection for prospective students to get in touch with the community they could become a part of. I, however, am quite put off by this connection. I think it's just me though. Most of the people on there seem...patronizing. Like back to the AP classes reference-there was a chain about how many AP classes people have taken and how they did on exams etc. I was like...alright just pull your dicks out and measure them already...get it over with. And everytime I post something, it seems that someone has a snide, smartass reply. Sometimes, it isn't even to me. They seem catty to each other too. Like, someone started a chain about what to bring to survive the cold winter temperatures. Some person replied, "Bring boots for the snow. I'm gonna bring my Uggs!"  To this, another person replied, "Ewww. Uggs are ugly and stupid and dumb-looking and expensive. Don't bring Uggs because everyone will laugh at you."


Maybe they're friends and it's an inside joke to be bitches to one another...but maybe they're just bitches. Either way, I'm concerned.

Another thing that concerns me is the frequency of their postings. Some people have posted close to a thousand messages since we all gained access in December. I ask you, if these are the bright, young students who got into Notre Dame based on their amazing academic performance despite a busy and well-rounded extracurricular life, why do they have the time to post oodles of messages in such a short amount of time? Personally, I've posted 14 messages since December and I thought that was quite a bit. If these are the people I'm going to have to amuse myself with for four years and that amusement includes constant visits to various internet message boards, it's going to be a long four years.

HOWEVER, I realize that a lot of this is probably just me. Aside from strangers I choose to approach, people I don't know usually seem standoffish or otherwise unpleasant at first. Somehow, I've been molded into an anxious, judgemental person when it comes to meeting people. In other words, Fr. Murphy's beloved Ninth Grade Day saying ("Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet!") does not ring true for me.

But then I remember that everyone, including me, has their unplesantries and that doesn't mean they don't have the potential to be a very good friend or person to know. First impressions aren't the best ways to judge a person and blah, blah, blah. So, to avoid hating my classmates before they even officially become my classmates, I've decided to not go back to that page. Check-out. Avoid contact with these people until I can either do a thorough analysis of their characters in person, or I find out that it doesn't even matter because I won't be going to Notre Dame.

I don't think I could ever find a life partner via the internet...but maybe that's a good thing.

In short, Vickey is a judgemental, snobbish person who will never make any friends in college. Though, maybe this will be good for my hippy image. I'll be known as the strange, loner, hippy girl with a tambourine.

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