Very Important Burning Questions about post-JE fanfiction Very Important Matters:
1. What does a TARDIS look like when it is not a blue police box? I mean, if Handy and Rose are going to grow a new TARDIS (and this is quasi-canon, per the scene that ended up not happening) what would it look like? Is this covered in Classic Who perhaps?
2. I am now
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OMG I actually never thought of that before! They're like "ugh, we have to go in the box again" and they squish in and the scene ends and they're like "can we come out yet?" and the directors or whoever are like "No! Stay in the box!"
I could see them potentially discussing, both saying "do not want" and being like "Oh, thank God, babies would totally cramp our style. And besides Time Lords, as a race, are not exactly terribly nurturing and parental, at least not according to fanon, so I think even with the bit of Donna he'd still not really be took him a awhile to warm to the idea of a genetically engineered ass-kicking daughter so it would be even worse with an infant that was totally helpless and wouldn' backflips and such. I can just picture him sitting there prodding a baby going "Roooo-oose, it's not doing anything!"
LIRL YES OMG. They would do the "do you?" "do you?" thing back and forht until one of them says "ER NOT REALLY" and the other one is totally relieved.
Yeah Time Lords don't really seem like the "let's all get together over turkey" type, plus I just think it'd still be way awkawrd with the long-daed loomed kiddies, idk. That was never really resolved in the Doctor's Daughter, it just kind of ended because Jenny died (kind of), so I don't really.. get how people suddenly think he totally wants to be a daddy omg. AND OH MY GOD YES HE WOULD BE SO BORED LIRL. He'd bea mused for like ten minutes and then he'd go wander off to play with something shiny and Rose would be like "......" My mom always complains that my dad was totally disinterested until I learned to speak and he's just like "WELL IT WAS BORING". lirl
Is the loomed kiddies a canon thing? I've heard conflicting stories, both that it's canon, and that it's a fanon invention to explain why the Doctor is always traveling with hot women and yet never sleeps with any of them (because, you know, Time Lords aren't into that kind of thing and there's no biological imperative etc.)
But yeah, he's done the kid thing and I think even being human isn't going to make him suddenly be like "OMG Rose let's have babies!" and I don't see Rose wanting to give up the awesome alien-fighting lifestyle to have kids. Someone pointed to their conversation when he mentions he was a Dad once and she was like "WTF?" but I interpreted that as a shocked "Seriously? You never said" WTF not a "OMG YAY YOU AND ME CAN HAVE BABIES SOMEDAY" WTF.
That's why I think I'd be a horrible would be SO BORING until the kid learned to do stuff...
I don't know about the looming, I just see it tossed around in fanfics and on Wikipedia a few times but I've never like.. gone out of my way to do much research into the subject. I was under the impression it was quasi-canon in that it appears in some novels or audiplays or something, and those are like.. quasi-canon. Have you read Brave New World? Because that is how I imagine looming, quite frankly. Nice and terrifying, lirl.
Yeah, I think he would actively not want kids -- I mean, he warms up to Jenny, but that's mostly because Donna kind of makes him, and also because he doesn't really have a choice, she already exists, and that's different from being like OMG ROSE LET'S MAKE TINY YOUS. And Rose... I think it would just be one of those things she never really considers, because when you end up travelling time and space with an alien whom you then fall in love with, I think you reconsider things like marriage and babies.
I definitely thought her WTF face was more a WTF YOU NEVER SAID, which falls in line with Donna's WTF YOU NEVER SAID, and also just goes along with the whole "you talk all the time btu you never say anything" theme. I don't see why she'd be like OMG SCORE, FUTURE BABIES!!!, that doesn't seem like a logical reaction. And doesn't he mention that in response to her teasing him about being bad with kids? lirl..
Whatever I just find the Doctor having kids weird any way you slice it. His first companion is his GRANDDAUGHTER, it's just... weird... for him to be like OH ROSE MY BIOLOGICAL CLOCK IS TICKING.
OMG I KNOW. I am super awkward around children, I have no idea what to do with the or how to relate to them and it's just a bad scene. Do not want, ever.
I don't think either of them are interested in marriage and babies, though I could see them getting married, but more due to pressure from Jackie & the rest of the world than from any need to do it for themselves, and yeah, when he mentions being a dad and she WTFs he immediately does his "hey, time for an awkward subject change now!" so she must know it's an uncomfortable subject for him (and also, that...well, dead kids generally are an awkward subject) so I don't think she expects any of that.
I see them getting married just as something that would kind of happen eventually, for the ake of Jackie and paperwork and legalities and maybe as an excuse to have a party.
also, that...well, dead kids generally are an awkward subject LIRL, THAT THEY ARE. On that note omg, "the Doctor is suddenly completely and totally open about everything!!!" drives me totally nuts, too. Stfu fics, this is clearly never going to happen.
I could see the Doctor getting married as kind of a cute, quaint human custom, and Rose being like "sure, okay, whatever" and Jackie being all like "YESSSS!!!" and then the tabloids have a field day with the Tyler wedding...
I KNOW! I could see Handy being slightly more forthcoming, because Donna's not exactly one to keep things to herself, but he's definitely not going to be like "OMG ROSE LET'S TALK ABOUT OUR FEELINGS NOW LET ME TELL YOU ALL ABOUT MY PAINFUL MEMORIES."
The Doctor would be amused by it and would want to mesh like seventy different cultural traditions together. Rose would just kind of go with it, yeah, and probably be pretty amused by the entire concept. AND THE TABLOIDS WOULD BE AWESOME LIRL.
The thing is that I think Donna does keep things to herself when it comes to vulnerability, so I don't think that would help much. I agree that Handy would be a little more forthcoming, because Time Lord!Ten has even more issues with the whole deal, but I still roll my eyes when suddenly he's like OMG ROSE LET ME TELL YOU EVERYTHING!! Rose would have to drag it out of him, and most of the time I think it'd be pointless and a little insensitive of her to try.
I dunno, there' ssuch a surplus of angsty Doctor fic and while some of it is well-written a lot of it just feels so awkward to me, because I can't even see his internal monologue being so OH WOE IS ME!!!! The "all right" mantra is too strong.
I kind of want to write a fic involved Rose and Handy vs. the tabloids because I find the concept absolutely hilarious.
I think Rose will drag it out of him eventually, as far as things will slip occasionally, but she's not the type to be like "Okay, tell me all this stuff now," she has a pretty good sense of when to push, in fact she pushed far less than Martha or Donna ever did.
I mean, Ten has A LOT of angst but he also tends to perk up after his angsty fits, so fic that is super!miserable!Handy seems to take it a little too far.
I find the tabloids hilarious all the time, which is (parlty) why I slipped it into the alt-Donna fic. I think the Doctor would be confused by them at first and then probably love it for a long while, and Rose would just be like omg stop encouraging them.
I actually tried to write a fic that daelt with that sort of issue and I got stuck about halfway through because I couldn't justify Rose pushing any further and without her pushing the Doctor would have no reason to elaborate, so yeah, I dunno. LIRL I agree that obviously some things would slip, but there are others that I think would just never be discussed. I'm always intrigue when fics deal with the whole Master issue, because I think it's one he'd be exceptionally tight-lipped about.
Yeah it just seems like he wouldn't... I dunno, I don't want to say he wouldn't wallow because I mean, he basically wallows for the entirety of season 3, but if asked I think he would deny it fervently, so when fics are written from his perspective I think it's hard for them to walk the fine line between angst and super melodrama/Midnight Sun.
and yeah, I don't really buy super!miserable!Handy either. I mean, I do if it's one of those fics where Rose is like OMG I DON'T LOVE YOU GTFO I MISS OTHER DOCTOR AND I AM A HUGE BITCH, but I find those fics hard to believe anyway, and I don't think he'd just like sit there for years being like OMG EARTH SUCKS BOO YOU WHORE. I mean obviously there's gonna be some angst there but not... like.. .retarded levels. He hides most of his angst anyway.
I think the stuff about the Master would definitely be something he'd not really want to get into, and Rose wouldn't really know to ask about/push on that unless he let something slip, which I can't see him doing because, well, yeah, the "I'm always okay" thing.
Yeah it's the kind of thing I don't see him Ever Mentioning Again, so I usually find it interesting bu odd when it comes up.
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