Nov 25, 2008 12:57
1.) Wait until Christmas and hope I get enough gift cards to some DVD retailer to cover the Doctor Who Season 4 box set , or...
2.) Just come out of the geek closet and ask for the Doctor Who Season 4 box set , which will spark an inevitable "You want WHAT?" from my parents.
i'm just not very cool,
doctor who
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LIRL High-five.
I know both my parents will go "what?" and the making fun will commence once one of them thinks to google it and realizes what it is...
My mom really has no idea what it is, though she was in the room the other day when Forest of the Dead was on, while DOnna was scream/crying over her fake children, and she made some remark about how loud it was or something. But her TV shows include Two and a Half Men, CSI and Grey's, so she has no room to judge.
And my dad's watched a couple episodes with me... kind of... and done the *silently thinks it's riiduclous* thing. Though apparently he gets a kick out of Tennant's eyes, he's mentioned them like, three times. I presume because half the time they are wide and crazy. I just kind of laugh and refrain from mentioning how stupidly attracted I am to that man.
Either way, my parents laugh scornfully at The Office and HIMYM and my dad laughs scornfully at Doctor Who, and I just ignore it because come on they like Two and a Half Men so I would actually take it asa bad sign if they did like something I watch.
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