Doing research for work, I am looking at various candidates economic stimulus plans. Now, I freely admit, I don't really understand the economy. I got a D in economics. But just take a look at the plans as laid out by their own websites (literally cut and pasted, I have not paraphrased at all):
- Establish a $30 Billion Emergency Housing Crisis Fund to assist states and cities mitigate the effects of mounting foreclosures
- Take bold action to stem tide of foreclosure, including a 90-day moratorium on subprime foreclosures and an automatic rate freeze on subprime mortgages of at least five years
- Provide $25 billion in emergency energy assistance for families facing skyrocketing heating bills
- Accelerating $5 billion in energy efficiency and alternative energy investments to jumpstart green collar job growth:
- Invest $10 billion in extending and broadening unemployment insurance for those who are struggling to find work:
* Provide an immediate $250 tax cut for workers and their families.
* Provide an immediate, temporary $250 bonus to seniors in their Social Security checks.
* Provide an additional $250 tax cut to workers and an additional $250 to seniors if the economy continues to worsen
* Provide relief to homeowners hit by the housing crisis.
* Provide aid to states hardest-hit by the housing crisis to avoid a slash in services.
* Extend and expand Unemployment Insurance.
Family, Fed, Fight, Fuel, Fair
Well, I'm filled with confidence in Huckabee's plan, what with all those details he includes...