Feb 16, 2008 20:28
I've been trying to write down all my dreams so that I can eventually turn them into a book I will appropriately call "a year of dreams" or something equally obvious. Sometimes writing them in here is more convenient than writing them down in my journal because I need to do it quickly before they slip away and sometimes I am bored at school. I'm really frustrated because I had a good dream last night, but I waited too long to record it and now all I have is the faint memory that it involved Jill and I running into some people who were talking about group sex. And I'm sure this is because yesterday, when I was taking a walk around town, I went into the Portland Tub and Tan place to ask how much their hot tub time costs, and quickly realized that it was a sketchy store. And that the four people in front of me, who were all wearing some form of leather coat/hat and looked like bon jovi (man and woman), were about to embark on a deviant sexual mission. The owner offered to give me a "private tour" of the hot tub rooms and I quickly left, but not before taking a picture of the sign outside the store which read:
(the store is on Stark street after it becomes a one way) and yes it was spelled exactly like that.
Again, this was a recording of real life events and not a dream.
As a side note, I've only been recording my dreams for a little over a month, and I've recognized two recurring themes:
1) Jill has renovated her apartment into a mansion/park/bigger apartment. This has happened in at least three dreams ( I think in order for something to be recurring, it has to happen at least three times)
2) Keeley's dad and Asian people. Whenever I dream about Keeley, her dad always shows up in some form, and he's ALWAYS surrounded by Asian people!! What's more, we are usually at the Sandy river, or at least some form of water. This has happened more than three times as well and the most recent was the other night - I just realized I forgot to record the dream so this is it:
It was a beautiful day out, and I wanted to visit Keeley. I discovered a new highway that led to Hawaii in only 35 minutes, by bicycle. I was riding it back and forth every day. Keeley and I were hanging out in Hawaii and she talked about how she wanted to go back to Troutdale to see her dad. When we got back to the house, her dad was having a big business meeting with lots of Asian people. They told us not to go to the river, because it was against Feng Shui. I told them that was bullshit, and I got a disapproving look from everyone. When we tried to go back to Hawaii, we brought my parents with us, because they wanted to look for their lost cat. I couldn't bear to tell them that the cat was really just an ugly old pug dog. When I tried to go back to Troutdale from the Hawaiian hotel, I realized I would have to ride my bike through Alaska to get back to Oregon, and therefore I was trapped and the Asians had been right.