Jan 29, 2006 17:09
i own 2nd place. i own "almost the best". yesss!
but no, i am actually ridiculously happy. saved me the humiliation of placing worse than last year, but also very realistic because honestly i really didnt play my best at all.
im happy with what ive done with my music. ive reached a point where i can just love performing. nerves dont consistently fuck with me. i dont care about never being the best, i dont care about never being flawless, i dont care about not having enough discipline to practice regularly and really pursue what im doing.. because i love what i do, when i do it. i love creating, i love performing, i love the feeling of standing on stage and taking a deep breath and thinking to myself, "you know what, im just going to pour my heart out. im just going to show them through this piece what its like to be me."