Mar 07, 2010 17:06
I know I haven't posted anything of substance here for a while (and don't be deceived, this really won't be anything worthwhile), but I thought I'd explain. Hulu has all the LOST episodes up right now. I stopped watching the show early on in the third season and for the last couple of months have been playing catch-up. I'm two episodes away from being completely caught up. Yes, it is a good show. I love Ben Linus. I love to hate Ben Linus. He's just a juicy character. If Jacen had become half that cool in the SW books*, I wouldn't have had to do as much ranting.
And yet, I hate Hulu. Because as of Tuesday there will be no more Daily Show or Colbert Report on their site (and I realize that this is Viacom's fault and not Hulu's, but just go with it for a minute). How else am I supposed to get my news? (I also realize that they have their own websites that host full episodes, but I'm lazy and only want to go to one place.)
And, to end on a happy note, another reason to love Hulu: Who Do You Think You Are? Being a biology teacher with a proclivity towards genetics, I was already pretty much sold on the premise of discovering who's in your family tree, but the pilot (feature Sarah Jessica Parker) was really interesting. It makes me want to research my own family tree and see what all is in there. Just how much Cherokee is there on my Dad's side? Mom's side says they're German, but their family name is Jacobs and there are whispers of Jewish descent. Just how much? So fascinating.
*Yes, Allston's book comes out on Tuesday, and I will be buying it (his are the only ones I buy now). But since I have a big test on Saturday, I won't start reading it till a week from now. But I'm willing to do a chapter-by-chapter snarkfest if you're interested in reading it.
star wars