First, I have a new coloring up of Darth Caedus. The lineart was done by the fabulous FalconFan. You can find it
over here.
Second, you know you're an adult when the most exciting piece of mail you've gotten in a while is a letter telling you that your application to have your student loans consolidated has been approved. But then again, if you were going to be paying over a hundred dollars less a month in repaying them, would you be excited, too?
Third, icon meme time. I've done this before, but wanted to again when
no_redlights posted hers today. So away we go:
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
This is taken from a picture done by my sister, Kate. The hands belong to her friend's dad. Kate went with their family to a trip to DC. Bob was looking up or looking at names in a book at one of the memorials and Kate took a picture of it. I loved the picture, and made it into one of my first icons.
The man who makes me wish fictional characters could come to life. But then Jaina could come to life, too. She'd get mad that I was fawning over her boyfriend and kick my butt. So maybe it's best that Jagged Fel stay in Star Wars books. This sadly is one of the few images of him since the dumb powers that be refuse to put him on a book cover. (Granted, he did appear on one of the back covers of an NJO book, but only in Japan, so I don't think that really counts.)
This started from my friend lementing the fact that she and her husband didn't have a label design for the wine he makes. I threw one together in photoshop really quickly while she told me what she wanted and the slogan she requested to be on there. The little slogan was funny, so I made it into an icon for her and kept it for myself.
Ah, Mara and Luke. This icon was made by
snarkel and I love it to death. It succinctly and perfectly describes the relationship between these two, and I love them for it. Very little about what happened between them was typical, and it was great because the usual would have been far too boring for these two.
This is an icon I made for a Star Trek icontest called
neutral_zone This particular challenge involved a specific episode from the original series (sorry, I can't remember which one off the top of my head since I've seen all of two-and-a-half episodes of Kirk and his crew). I saw this cap, and the text for the icon immediately snapped into place. Because you know that's what Kirk is thinking a lot of the time. :P