Our last enemies were so powerful that even with my power, Madara's, and Yukari's, we were almost obliterated. What more can we do, besides preventing our enemies from trying another strike against us?
Dumbass, all you're gonna do - assumin' they're still out there - is remind 'em that we're here. An' maybe piss 'em off a bit. It took all of us to drive them back last time, remember? You want to go scoutin' around, that's one thing, but if you go get your stupid self killed an' piss those guys off enough that they come back? I'll kick your ass into pudding.
Acknowledging that there are still enemies out there which it took so much effort to drive back is precisely why I am entreating the rest of you to aid me with this endeavor.
If I do nothing, and they return while we are feasting, sleeping, or unawares? Who will survive, then?
Tell you what. You go find 'em, and then we'll talk. But don't you fucking dare stir shit just because you're about to bounce outta your skin from boredom, you hear me? There's kids here. Don't bring war to these kids.
If I do nothing, and they return while we are feasting, sleeping, or unawares? Who will survive, then?
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