Aug 22, 2004 19:52
yup...decided to go friends only so daddy can't read my entries anymore. just comment if you wanna be added. i only have a few rules.
1. if i add you then you actually have to COMMENT in my entries. don't just tell me to add you so you can make your friends list bigger.
2. DoN't TyPe LyKe DiZ...iT's AnNoYiNg AnD tAkEs A lOnG TiMe To ReAd.
3. use proper english. don't type "u" for you or "ur" for your/you're. it doesn't really take that much time to type out the proper word.
4. Don't tell me to add you if you're just gonna make fun of me and/or my friends.
umm, i think that's all. just comment if you wanna be added or added back.