Stinking of the sweat from the alps above...

Dec 05, 2004 19:20

Yeah I decided to do some filming in the snow, yeah how fun, I just got some random footage of people skiing this week for who knows what purposes. What a strange week.I ran into one of many ex-boyfriends(Jake)AND Yeah Adam-nit, I ran into him and tell me how the job is at New York comment biznatch!) and managed to finish the VW commercial and good ole Charlie is editing it as I type *if he reads this I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH!!!!!!!!******* Anyways this week was the week of Benny's birthday, I made his family fly over to see him, he turned thirty, we all celebrated Benny's birthday in a log cabin that holds 10 people, that was good fun! Some old friends of his showed up and we all had a jolly good time and Benny's mum taught me how to cook, something I needed to learn to do. So if she reads this, special thanks to Madam De Bour, or my future mummy and law. His dad is really cool too this is the second time I have met both of his parents. They are just the neatest people ever, very open minded and fun people to play cards and the kind of folks you dont have to be embarassed about drinking around. Hell his mum puts wine in everything, shes fucking awesome. She and I made a bet to see who could do the most death defying tricks ( which consisted of who could stay on their skis the longest going down hill) going down a huge ass slope...that was fun. It was a tie, we both sucked horribly. Benny's dad got a kick out of it then again so did Benny.

Captain is a champion skiing dog, actually he pulled off the best stunt of them all, which is camouflaging the snow, hes great at hide and go seek. So I went to a store and bought him a toddler's nightmare before christmas sweater and it fit him so he was wearing a nice black sweater so I could find him if I took him for long walks. I swear to god he looked like a baby panda it was so fucking cute.

Again I would like to thank Charlie for everything he is doing right now I will keep thanking him because I have a really hard time editing I can produce and direct but I cannot edit even if my life was on it I would be buried for being so bad with cutting film. (its evil!)

I think that is it...if I forget to share something else I will fill in the blanks...
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