Aug 29, 2004 15:40
okay im getting sooooooooooooooooooo sick of all these protests for bringing back book!hermione and book!ron. okay guys...this really pisses me off. why? because my major is film & video stuides. so you're insluting my industry. So I have to defend it and explain how things go, mmmkay?
1st okay. Steve kloves knows more about hp than you do. So don't go assuming anything buttheads. I know everyone is pissed that hermione took that line "if you're going to kill harry you'll have to kill us too" but people seriously... take into consideration something here. Ron is sitting on the floor. Could he have really done something about this? could he have really protected harry? NO! Steve kloves was brilliant giving the line to hermione who can WALK! der people. and yes i love ron. ron is one of my favorite characters. I crack up at ron. I see no difference between book!ron and movie!ron. i don't. YES steve kloves did say his favorite character to write was hermione but he said so because if you need to say anything to inform the audience you can say it through dumbledore or hermione. convient eh? that doesn't mean he doesn't like ron. plus ron is incredibly brave. i mean look at cos. he was incredibly brave in that movie. he stuck through it, he really did. same in poa.
2nd. jk rowling has say in what happens. she wouldn't let her characters be adulterated. plus steve kloves asks her for advice! he wouldn't change anything without asking her first so obviously she okays it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH GUYS!!!!!! JK and steve have a tight relationship and they wouldn't let the characters go wrong.
okay and another thing when converting a book to a movie everything is not going to be perfect. The characters are not always going to be the same and scenes are going to be taken out. That's life. It's called A FUCKING BUDGET. yes. a budget. MONEY. HELLO PEOPLE. plus TIME!! time and money go together. it's not alfonso's fault if he couldn't put several scenes into poa. you can't make a 5 hour movie. it's not possible. he has to go by the schedule and budge warner brothers has set for him. Same with Mike Newell, he has to cut several scenes from the book because of TIME! and of course i bet you anything he talked to steve kloves who talked to jk rowling (or perhaps he talked to jk rowling himself) and she okayed it.
so you're bitching about the movie buisness isn't going to do a damn thing. why? because they won't change anything because a few fans are man because the characters they love aren't exactly the way they are in the books. If you really have a bone to pick, talk to JK Rowling because she authorizes everything.
don't like what i said? too fucking bad. that's the movie buisness and i'm going to be apart of it one day. live with it, it's the truth.