Aug 06, 2007 16:18
i am sitting in some library type thing here at CVCC. i feel like everyone is staring at me. my phone just vibrated on my crotch and it was slightly uncomfortable. i keep smelling levi and it's pretty disgusting. makes me want to vomit all over laura, who is sitting to my left checking her grades, and what's funny about all of that is that she actually thinks i give a fuck. she's reading this and laughing and her friend just told us to SHHH. well fuck you homeboy. so i just got an ovarian cramp and it was prettyyy painful, almost like childbirth from what i hear anyway. i wish mikey would come here, he said the other day that he wants to come to hickory. it would be super awesome if he just showed up here in the middle of CVCC, i'd cream my jeans fo sho.
oh yeah and i had green beans at lunch today, they were splendid and apparently i'm having dinner avec ma mere cet apres-midi so oui oui for free food and semi pleasant company.
laura just asked me if i'm going with her to wilkesboro tonight and i nodded in agreeance. i think we are going to pick up kyle, maybe if i'm reallyyyy nice she'll stop by food lion so i can gawk at greg edge's drug free beauty.
okay that's all bye byeeeeeeee !!!!