App for xi_rpg

Mar 03, 2010 14:06

AGE: 23
AIM SCREENNAME & MAIN PERSONAL LJ ACCOUNT: PrincessSeaNymph & atoyna_lilsnip


NAME: Nymphadora Tonks
AGE: 22
GENDER: Female
ROLE: Teacher’s assistant to Remus

BACKGROUND: Nymphadora was born to Andromeda and Ted Tonks in England. Andromeda’s family was extremely fanatical and when she had run off with Ted and eloped, they disowned her. Therefore, Nymphadora never knew her mother’s side of the family. Since both of her parents were mutants, Nymphadora was never upset or confused by her abilities and grew up fully embracing them. When she was old enough, she went to a boarding school that her parents had gone to.

After graduating, Nymphadora went on to join a special sector of the police, where she was able to use her mutant abilities to help with special investigations. Because she was able to change her appearance at will, she was often sent on under cover missions. When whispers of Lord Voldemort’s return started up, Nymphadora was contacted by the Headmaster of her old school to potentially join a superhero group that he was re-forming. She had heard her parents talk about this group occasionally, even though they had never been a part of it. Enthusiastic about being able to help everyone in her own sort of vigilante way (especially since the police force refused to do anything about).

However, shortly after joining, the old Headmaster requested that Nymphadora be sent to a school in America where he currently had another member stationed. That her presence was required there more than anything right now.

So, taking a momentary leave of absence from her job on the police force, Nymphadora made her way to New York, to offer her assistance at Xavier’s Institute as she was requested.
PERSONALITY: On the surface, Nymphadora is an extremely energetic and bubbly woman. She loves cracking jokes and being the life of the party. She’s very enthusiastic about helping others and is quick to make new friends because of how outgoing she is. She’s very loyal to herself and her beliefs as well as to her friends, new or old. She was interested in joining the police force because she was always very brave and adventurous in school and worked hard to get exactly what she wanted. Her clumsiness, however, made it difficult for her to do well on most of her physical tests. She’ll trip over her own two feet if given the chance.

Nymphadora is a hopeless romantic, and often loses herself to a fantasy that may not always be accessible. When things don’t exactly go her way, she is known for getting down on herself and becoming extremely self-conscious. She has a hard time controlling her powers when she’s upset and usually ends up walking around with her mousy appearance until she finds another reason to be happy. But that isn’t to say she will go down without a fight. She is very temperamental (please don’t call her Nymphadora, or she’ll get very cross with you) and bullheaded. She won’t back down from a fight easily, and often thinks that her way is the right way and will fight with you about it until she’s blue in the face.
APPEARANCE: Nymphadora is a rather short woman, standing no taller than 5’3’’. Because she’s constantly on the go, she’s very slender and has a slightly curvy frame. Her natural appearance has her with almond-brown eyes, a heart shaped face and mousy-brown hair, all of which she finds nothing too special. She’ll often revert back to this appearance if she’s upset or extremely worn out.

The appearance she’d much rather take is either short hair spiked up and hot pink or a shoulder length dusty purple style. She loves anything that will make her stand out from the average person, and even goes as far as to dress in a very punk-ish style.
POWERS: Nymphadora is able to change her appearance at will. These are mostly small parts of her appearance, such as her hair and facial features. Even though she has grown up her entire life aware of these abilities, she’s still in the process of learning just how to do this. Some things are easier for her to change, such as her hair color and styles, while others are difficult: the shape of her facial features.

ANYTHING ELSE?: It’s probably wise to not call her Nymphadora. She’d much rather be known by her surname, or if you’re really close (or special), “Dora”.

First-person sample:
Wotcher! I’m just settling in a little right now, thought I should introduce myself to everyone here. The name’s Tonks, or rather, that’s the only one you really need to know me by. I’m from the United Kingdom, and I’m here to help out a bit in a few classes. I’m looking forward to meeting all of you.

[filtered to R. Lupin]
Wotcher, Remus. Did Albus fill you in on my arrival?
Third-person sample:
Dora felt like she was in school all over again. Technically she was, but just on the other side this time. So the first lesson wasn’t as horrible as she thought it would be, it went relatively well actually. But now she found her thoughts drifting from anything useful and onto the topic of the man she was helping. She wasn’t really sure what it was about him, but she was finding herself drawn to him. She was almost positive she felt a blush growing on her cheeks and it took all the strength she could manage to pull herself out of her little daydream and back into reality.

Catching a glimpse of herself in the window, she realized that her hair had turned into the exact color of her blush and she was now having a difficult time changing it back to the purple she’d worn earlier. She prayed that no one was around to witness that.
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