Jan 12, 2006 18:01
Wow so I haven't updated since the flipping out lol...
What's new?
Let's see, I am taking English AP I think, even though I didn't get reccommended. I will try my best? This had better pay off. (And I can always drop out, although I know that's not the best attitude to be going along with, but go along with it.
I am pretty well prepared for the defense trial on Wednesday with Rebekka; we are a good team
I am in whatever committee Liz and Courtney are for BOSMUN in as well and I am Dr. Congo! haha whenever I hear that I think of a monkey and a stethoscope.
I finished Driver's Ed this vacation and I recieved my green slip in the mail for use to get my permit hopefully on my birthday and my liscence this summer. Thank god for not hearing my mom complain so much.
I had my first lacrosse game with Michaela on Saturday; we lost like 27-19 or something, I really didn't do that well.
I am going on a field trip for Italian tommorrow (the shortest field trip ever, from 10:15 'til the end of the day.) It'll be worth it though because Anna will be there along with many of my other friends. And lets not forget ROMA! Mmhmm I could use a good sandwich...
I do not know what I am doing for my birthday party...I really want to have one, maybe like old school bowling! We'll see
Speaking of bowling, Winterball is this weekend. I hope all goes well; it should be really fun.
I love that "whistle" song, the one all of the boys whistle in my Italian class and in and out of the hallways. "Hey Girl- Let me- see you- get low." It's pathetic I know.
I am officially in love with the Counting Crows, Jess Vascon(swu)ellos (she brings me home all of the time and we call each other "GAWGEOUS!"), and MOJKOSWKI and our soon to be love triangle for the next two years in Media.
And oh yeah Dan Olsen for DOING Media next year. Can you say good writer?
I officially have a reason to distrust the one person I've been distrusting all along.
If distrusting is a word.
Well it should be.
Because I said so.