Well tomorrow is Mitchells 3rd birthday. He has a bit of an understanding of what its all about. He knows how to sing happy birthday because of when kids at day care have a birthday there. I spent the weekend at caboolture and Mitchell got some early presents. Ben and i got mitchells bike off lay buy last thursday. Ben put it together today. We just blew up a bunch of balloons to make it even more exciting. Im soooo tired. I have been getting frustrated real easy because i am always so tired. I get angry to easy. Its driving me insane. I have nothing to add. Well i might but cant remember. So i will just leave it with the pictures of the weekend and mitchells new bike. I will take plenty of pics tomorrow.
Mitch playing with Josh in his new bouncer.. It Vibrates.
Mitch playing with Angelas cat.
Lenny and jasper fell asleep during the movie. Lenny brought over her projector and we watched Raising Helen on Angelas wall lol.
Mitchells new bike
The helmet and Shin & Knee pas set we got him.