Demon Pings

Sep 30, 2013 23:39

Mephisto is a demon prince: a son of satan and has been around in the game for quite some time. He'll have absolutely no trouble identifying if your character is a demon, monster, or divine being.

He won't try to kill your character, but rather establish a partnership or enough of a connection to use them for his own gain at some point. Exploiting others is one of his favorite pass times.. Basically if your character is a demon, demon-like, holy, or Angelic comment here so we can work stuff out! He is a master at keeping secrets so even if your character typically remains undetected he would treat the situation delicately. More often than not he will simply take note of the fact.

FOR REVERSE PINGS, Mephisto's body is that of a human man: Likely Johannes Fuastus V. (Possession and all y'know) He is 100% demon past this fact however, and will set off any radars to those who can detect this sort of thing.

For the holy/Angelic characters:

Since Mephisto has been around for I'm gonna go ahead and assume at least 500 years, and basically claimed his body as his own. It's fairly safe to say every inch of him is corrupt with demon juice. So in the presence of an Angel or divine being he'd be understandably uncomfortable. Mephisto does work in a field where he is constantly surrounded by holy weapons and individuals who can exorcise him almost constantly. So he should be able to feel divinity immediately whether it is in a weapon or body. He'll likely uphold a good distance from any characters who are or are like Angels until there is reason for him to believe there is no threat of being forced from his body. Because once he's out of it, it will rot and disappear and he will be nothing more than vapor looking for a new form that can hold all his mojo. 8D soooo yeah. He will however try to figure out how strong said character is in the belief of their leader/father... Otherwise, those without a religious affiliation can simply be archived in his web of knowledge on 'things to remain on good terms with'.
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