Realm of the Muse 1.88.3f: New Year's Day

Jan 01, 2008 23:13

He planned it all, this surprise. She’d fly in, unaware, blindfolded in the taxi, escorted by arm to the wide, modern, luxurious room. The blindfold removed, she would first see the room’s breathtaking view of the city. The room was theirs for two days, he would say: today, New Year’s Eve, and tomorrow, New Year’s Day. They’d go out and eat at his favorite restaurant, go down to Times Square and pack themselves in with the other celebratory sardines, kiss at midnight, and go back to the room. They’d make love. They’d stay up and watch the sunrise and fall asleep in each other’s arms.

Yes, he would have liked to celebrate the New Year this way, but the truth was that this room, with its breathtaking panorama, contained only him. Where was she? At home in another world, with her daughter and husband, not thinking of him as he was of her. His forehead pressed against the cold glass, he watched the glow of the rising sun scale the sides of buildings, turning them all into a brilliant, beautiful shade of red-gold. He stepped away from the window, crossing over to the drawer where the liquor was stored, and poured himself a stiff drink.

“Happy New Year, you bastard,” he muttered, then downed the drink in a single gulp.

Based on roleplay at milliways_bar.

realm of the muse

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