Random Ramble

Sep 27, 2012 10:21


Still going on. :( Need to see physio(today, yay!) and also stop eating wheat and sugar. It's a crutch right now, and I don't know if I can let go just yet.

I have been thinking a lot about narratives and the construction of narratives. We make meaning from the stories in our lives, and narrative flow is as important as real events are. Our brains construct narratives at all times, ways of deepening understanding and learning lessons and seeing the world as a cohesive place. I wonder if the desire for narrative is what gave birth to the original religions, and is what keeps religions going. We all want to be part of a great work, a narrative that is bigger than us and also meaningful. We see smaller narratives in the way we interact with other people and understand feelings and responses to those narratives. Changing those narratives takes so much work, and I want to be sure it's worth the work.

Big Brother
Ooo, I don't like Michael burning Layla's limited edition Burberry bag that was a gift from a friend. Limited. Edition. Gift. Burberry. Wow. I am glad Michael is thoroughly pissed off with himself, I think he deserves it!

random rambles

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