Thoughts du Jour

May 26, 2011 09:17

OK, so I am reading about the internt, as one is wont to do, and then I was reading about this... "The Backbone Project. Help me become less wishy washy." (Yanno, I am kind of over every one using the word project for ... every new project they start. Ok, fine, I will shut up then...)

Ferrett says, “If you’re a conciliatory person by nature, writing a pleasant essay that excuses whatever it is that bugs you with a “But I guess that’s how people are” will not get comments either, because you’ll be so wishy-washy that nobody will be able to disagree with you.”

This post is from someone who wants to increase her readership, which I find interesting but not that exciting. However, bit of it had me squirming uncomfortably in my seat! I would say *I* am a wishy washy blog poster! I tend not to have 'stances' or welcome 'discussion' as 'discussion' for too many people is actually 'argument' in disguise. (If there's a winner, then every one just lost.)

Did I ever have blog posts with Opinions in them? Six and a half years ago... when I started this blog... gosh a lot of my first posts were long! I definitely had some opinions, but none of them seemed hardline or firm or... hang on. Back to being wishy washy again LOL

And you know what? Really not phased, I guess. There's definitely times where I wish I could post what I was really thinking, but, you know. Somethings I speak about, some things I write about. Sometimes they even meet. I'm pretty happy being a positively wishy washy person on the net. Yay me!

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