Rain AND Earthquakes!

Apr 07, 2011 14:40

What an odd little day!

I walked to school this morning and did my hour at Breakfast Club and got my stamp, then walked home, took Jack to daycare. I went to the shops and bought some stuff and then as soon as I got home, Mum rang to suggest I take a jacket to school for V, since he is doing swimming lessons at the moment. Since he has NO BODY FAT AT ALL I thought yeah, that's a good idea. Walked back to deliver it., got back, did some stuff for Swancon, did some planning, and then did an hour and half of editing. Now I am about to walk down to get V and when we get back, at some point we shall go and get J.

Plus we had rain and an earthquake in all that!

Life is pretty awesome right now LOL 

every day

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