Mar 30, 2011 21:47
Well, first of all, I fell off every wagon I was trying to stay on this past week, but I'm ready to jump right back on. I bought some pansies today which does not fit into the 'only necessary purchases' but they were so pretty and cheerful, I couldn't resist. :-(
I was happy they dumped Monique on top model tonight. She was not nice at all and really did not take good photos either. I was liking Britney as far as photos are concerned, but I'm not sure about her personality. In fact, it looks like she has a real melt down next week in the previews. I don't like Michela either - she has a unibrow which is really unattractive. I don't much like Kasha, the plus size girl either. The girl nobody likes, whose name escapes me, has a face that looks to hard and she has no fashion sense. I'm often influenced by how nice a contestant is - the old pretty is as pretty does, so it remains to be seen who will come out on top in that aspect.