Dec 08, 2007 11:58
The last presidential election, I was rather upset about a certain public figures throwing about their celebrity, saying "if you like me, vote for this guy." I was so upset that I had vowed to never watch or even tolerate the name of that certain comedian. Those of my friends know my hatred and often play it against me during Apples to Apples. This presidential election seems to be different. There's almost nothing being said about republican races and all the focus seems to be on the democrat primaries. Well, I can't say there is nothing said... but the only names mentioned are Giuliani and Huckabee. (I predict p/vp respectively)
I understand the history that will be made on the democrats' front. Either the first woman nominee or the first black nominee. The world is changing and it's time to take these elections seriously. Within that vein of thinking... I recently read that Oprah has backed Obama(rama). I'm a huge Obama fan after hearing him speak 3 times. I think he's some one who can run our country. I also believe that it is TOO SOON for him. He's only been in politics, what? A term? 2? That is like taking a flight lesson simulation then trying to fly a 747 full of a college football team (WE ARE MARSHALL!!!!! -- ergh, sorry, Too Soon?)
Back to my rant at hand. I recently read that Oprah is drawing in crowds by offering free tickets to her show. This might seem all harmless, but think of how Oprah's program works. She'll give each member in the audience an i-pod or a car or 800 thread count t-shirt sheets. I guess since the tickets are free and she's not saying "If you come, you have to vote for Obama," but the thin line of bribery is almost non-existent. Not only do I think that is unfair, it's kin to buying votes. I'm glad he's getting his word out and speaking to the masses. Does he really need Oprah really need to bribe people to listen? I am disappointed in Obama for not stopping it... or even worse... buying into her celebrity.
Obama is an amazing speaker... capable of making hard-asses question their position. I do support him wholly (especially since I think Hillary is evil.) I don't want Obama's campaign to become Hillary VS. the Not Hillary. The mistake was made the last election John Fucking Kerry. His ideas and leadership skills should stand on their own. Then again, the game of politics is dirty and it's not how you play, it's if you win.
Uh... and I have a prediction. Oprah backs Obama... Dr. Phil backs Giuliani... a knife fight ensues pre-election day ending in Dr. Phil's death. Rachel Ray will then prepare his mutilated carcass as a loose meat 20 minute meal with yam chips and Oprah feeds it to her excited audience... whom all have received a free trip to Cancun under their seat.