
Apr 11, 2020 15:33

Forgot to include an update about this...

Still not dead. Breathing MUCH better than this time last year, but still not where I should be. Still hate medical professionals and have determined to die at home rather than deal with them.

The skinny: my drugs are working, but then I fell apart in December and ended up missing two days of work (I go to work with sinus infections and pink eye, so that tells you how bad it was to take off). I got a new cardiologist who made me wear a holter monitor again, and again said the monitor shows nothing wrong with me. *hard eye roll* They drew blood for some sort of thyroid test, never heard back about that (medical system for the win!), and for whatever reason insurance won't cover my current dosage. It's not an expensive drug, but that's not the point, and I'm highly annoyed by it. Not much I can do at the moment, however, since I'm not dying from coronavirus so nobody cares.

Since it's spring break, I decided to try doing yoga or stretches during the day. Hah. That lasted about two minutes, because two stretches in I was struggling to get a deep breath. Not worth it, I decided, and haven't tried again since. I do take daily walks because I have a dog to take care of, but they don't fall into the required length of cardio I'm supposed to be doing. My primary care physician AND my cardiologist said I should be doing 30 minutes a day, to which I politely laughed in their faces (...but, you know, in my car, because I'm afraid of people and won't do that to your face). I would love to do 30 minutes a day, but I usually can't. I have 2 walks I do with Mako, depending on the weather and how I feel. One is about 10 minutes long, one is about 20 minutes, and either can leave me huffing and puffing. One day I decided to try a little bit longer walk, and immediately regretted it when I realized I was too far from home and still had to walk back. Haven't tried that again since.

And by "a little bit longer walk," I mean I added maybe an extra 2 minutes.

My heartrate is still all over the place (now trackable by my handy-dandy fitbit I got for Christmas exclusively for this purpose), which is fun (not). My resting heartrate is between 65 - 80, depending on the day, and my get-off-the-couch-and-walk-twenty-feet-to-the-bathroom heartrate is anywhere between 75 and 150, depending on the day.

I was commanded to eat more fruits and vegetables (thank you evil doctor), so I've taken to eating fruit smoothies. It took a while to find a mixture that works, but I finally did. All my fruits/veggies are frozen, so I don't need ice. I don't measure anything (how pedestrian), just add the following to my bullet blender: spinach, large spoonful of delicious yogurt (by which I mean nothing lowfat because I have standards), avocado, mangos, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries, then fill in all the cracks with whole milk. It's quite delicious. I've also figured out how to make potato wedges and roast carrots, both of which are suprisingly easy. I keep telling my friend Samwise that I'm going to start a food blog wherein I make recipes for lazy disasters such as myself (rather than the fancy food blogs that are all lengthy stories! Ingredients no sane person has on hand! Ten hours of prep!) that will be full of fancy recipes such as adding a touch of milk and butter to chicken ramen to fancy it up. You know, the kind of food blog I wish I could find online because I want to eat something new that only takes five minutes, not remodel my kitchen to make exotic ethnic food I don't even like.

Which is all a long way of saying I'm not dead yet, some days are better than others, and no I don't like talking about it, thank you very much. 

sick and afflicted, not dead yet

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