(no subject)

Mar 03, 2019 01:22

I like naming things. I especially like it when I've given something a nerdy name and other people can't tell that's what I did. But even more than that, I like giving things nerdy names and running across someone who gets it.

A Small Handful of Things I've named that make me grin with glee, even though few others get it:
  • My phone: Ladybug (I don't have a justification for this one)
  • My TV: Matrim Bloody Cauthon (because it's an unreliable little blighter that somehow manages to bring me surprising amounts of happiness)
  • My parents' white car: MacLeod ('cause it's white? Like a cloud? Get it??)
  • My car: Vallyne (because she's silver)
  • My computer: Seyonne (because feels)
  • My interactive TV at work: Duncan (BECAUSE THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE [in my room])
  • (my kids don't get it and don't get why I snicker every time I say it)
  • My koala: Cole (because it sounds vaguely like koala and because Cole was played by an Aussie!)
  • My horse: Mookie (it just fit)
It's the little things in life. :)


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