Nov 06, 2015 01:27
I hit the 10,000 word mark! Yay, me!
Also, I have no time to write (despite what that number says) because I have to do things like work and help with the kids and attend technology meetings and math class (we did quadratic equations today. So all those matrices I did in Algebra II? Yeah, turns out THEY'RE THE QUICKER WAY OF DOING THE QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. WHY did no one EVER tell me that?) and game night and Clone Wars night and FHE and sleep...
It's been the new month since Monday and I still haven't had time to go to WalMart. That's a problem. But I'm thoroughly enjoying myself anyway. Johanna requested access to my story so she can follow along as I write. I approve of this because she gives me encouragement and tells me she likes what I'm writing. Whether it's any good or not is a different story, but at least I have a cheerleader. I'm going to do this, guys! 50,000 words of a romance novel, here I come!
Things I've researched this week:
Smith and Wesson Schofield Revolvers
How much a rooster cost in the 1880s (did not get a satisfactory answer)
Whether it was Rieekan or Dodonna in Episode IV (Dodonna)
Whether it was Rieekan or Dodonna in Episode V (Rieekan)
(neither of these was related to my story)
Updates on our stories:
A: "She's kissing pear juice off his chin"
K: "They're entering in a fake relationship. Also, I gave her a library with a window seat and ladder, all my fantasies!"
E: "She just gave him permission to use her Christian name"
Me: "She told him if he won't consummate their marriage, he can't use her given name"
I can't wait to read these trainwrecks. :D