Dec 12, 2014 21:49

It is a well-documented fact that I despise cooking. It's not my thing. It's tedious and onerous and I hate preparing food just to share it with nobody. However, when I have someone to share my food with, I put in more effort.

For example: usually when I eat hotdogs, I dump them onto a plate and microwave them. Very fancy. Takes all of a minute and a half. But tonight, because my Weekend Roommate was in residence and I offered to share my (delicious all beef) hotdogs with her, I pulled out my skillet and fried them dogs. She was all impressed at the effort. I was, too. I have seriously never grilled (does that qualify as grilling?) a hotdog before. I've boiled them, like, three times, but again, usually it's the microwave.

Behold Amy, getting fancy with her food!

So every Friday in fifth grade we have something called Friday Fiesta. If the kids turned in their homework that week, they get to attend one of two fun activities. If they didn't turn in their homework, they go to study hall.

Ever since Korra Book 4 (for whateve reason, seasons are called books in the Avatar universe) came out, every Friday I watch the new episode with my kiddos. I started this because the new episodes came out on Fridays around noon, and Friday fiesta is at noon twenty. Perfect timing! Plus, I don't have to wait until I get home to view it.

I've never kept up with a show like this before with such a big audience, and I tell you what, it's fun. My kids get into it just as much as I do. Today was an important episode that caused a lot of grief and anguish and has one of the biggest cliffhangers EVER, and there was a lot of impassioned shouting when the episode ended, both by me and by the kids. We spent a solid ten minutes talking over each other in our loudest-possible-but-not-quite-shouting voices about everything that happened and what we hope to see next week.

I haven't had this much fun watching TV since I saw the first two episodes of Firefly with a room full of geeks at the Quark weekly film viewing.

(side note: I went looking for that reference, and came across a hilariously morbid analogy I wrote when I was a wee 18-year-old: "She likes cheese like Anakin likes cutting up people." I burst out laughing.)

So I got sidetracked reading my journal from when I was 18. A few observations:

1) I was so very young
2) I was a lot more open about everything
3) My Meyers Briggs personality test said I'm 93% introverted and 7% extroverted. Truer words about me were never said/written.
4) I've always been funny
5) I let James kiss me after two weeks.



Two weeks? Wow. I tell you what, wow. I knew Derrick for two years before we started dating, and then it took us two weeks to get around to seriously dating, and then it took time to hold hands, and more time before we kissed. The next boy who tries to enter my life isn't going to get to kiss me for a loooong time because reasons.

Two weeks.


I guess now would be an appropriate time to announce I have a date tomorrow. Remember Slaveboy? ...Oh, wait, I didn't write about that (which I discovered as I went searching for an entry to link back to). Let's remedy that.

So last year about Christmas time, Awkward Thursday Date Boy asked me out (a separate story for a separate time). I was talking about this with the boys at game night, when Slaveboy made the comment "Girls in Provo get it easy. They go on dates and get free food," to which I replied, "I haven't had a single date this year where I got a meal."

He was moderately apalled, so promised me he'd take me out just so he could buy me a free meal. If you know me at all, you know a free meal is a sure way to win my attention. So I said sure.

It was great. We met at Costa Vida (he doesn't have a car and couldn't pick me up, but that's okay) and he paid for my meal, the second most important part of this date. The MOST important part of this date is it only lasted forty-five minutes! Whaaat! That's a Provo miracle! You see, the Provo boys seem to be languishing under the misapprehension that a first date must be a marathon date. If it's anything less than six hours, obviously it's a complete failure.

Now, this philosophy works well and good if you're already interested in each other. However, if I don't know you, or don't know you very well, this is the worst possible thing you could do to me. SIX HOURS in the presence of someone I'm struggling to communicate with? It's a miracle I've EVER been offered a second date. My conversational skills are sorely, sorely lacking. They get even worse if I figure out you're an idiot within the first hour.

Jonelle (aka Weekend Roomate) has similar social problems as me, and the day she told me that non-Mormons have coffee dates as first dates, I realized how unjust the world truly is. I can handle a Jamba Juice (Mormon equivalent of coffee) date. Half hour, forty-five minutes tops, in and out. That's more than enough time for us to figure out if we even want to see each other again, let alone go on a second date. Just think of how many painfully awkward evenings I could have avoided if those boys had just taken me out for Jamba Juice instead of up to Roy for a meal at a family-favorite restaurant, then back to Jordan for a movie, THEN back home! All those blind dates could have been painful first meetings instead of painful evenings! THE WORLD IS NOT FAIR.

*ahem* As I was saying, Slaveboy and I had a delightful conversation for forty-five minutes, then went our merry ways. I rejoiced at the brevity of it all.

Shortly thereafter he became a permanent fixture at our game nights (he wasn't previously), and I've gotten to know him much better over the course of the year.

(AND LEST ANY OF YOU GET ANY IDEAS: we will never date. He's my age, doesn't have a college degree, isn't in school, doesn't have a full time job, possibly not even a part-time job, and considers renting a couch in someone's apartment an acceptable form of shelter.)

I drove him home on Wednesday after our most recent game night when he told me the thing he most admires about me is how much I love babies. Every week he gets to watch me dote on Mr. P. Sherman, who is just too kissable for his own good. Slaveboy also got to witness me in the glory that was Ruby's vomit (did I write about how she threw up all over me? Well, she did) and how that didn't alter my affection for her one iota. He thinks it's grand that I like the wee ones.

Which somehow transitioned into memory of our previous date, and he said we should make it an annual thing, going on a date to Costa Vida right before Christmas break. I am so not one to turn down a free meal with no strings attached, so I said yes, which is what I'm doing tomorrow for dinner.

And no, this is not the entry on dating I promised. That one will come another time, because it requires an entirely different tone and mindset.

Last unrelated thought: today at recess, I stood surrouned by a horde of small children and simultaneously held three conversations: one on Batman, one on Korra, and one on Star Wars. It was perhaps my most favorite recess yet.

"She was immune to logic!" ~~Legends


manlings, cooking fiascos, korra, introverts

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