Feb 26, 2013 22:52
Last night at FHE we played a game I've never heard of before, but I absolutely loved: Human Twister. You know how regular Twister can get confusing and convoluted and you have limbs in strange places, but you're still mostly in your own space bubble? Human Twister is like that, but with way more touching. Touching--not usually my thing, but last night my hands were all over everybody and everybody's hands were all over me. At one point I was holding Natacia up around the waist (her only support), and shortly thereafter Michael's back/shoulders were the only thing holding me up. Bishop and his wife just kind of stared at the knot of young single adults, occasionally snapping pictures and probably wondering just what they'd invited into their home. As we got closer and more touchy there was more noise (read: screaming) and more laughter.
I had a blast.
I've always loved FHE. When I first came to BYU as a wee 18-year-old, I had a fantastic group. All the friends I made my freshman year came from that group of people. They introduced me to such things as role playing, themed Halloweens, and Pride and Prejudice. We would still get together for monthly dinners in the years afterwards, reminiscing about the good ol' days and swapping Harry Potter theories (this was back before book 7 came out). Not every group has been as stellar as that first one, but that group set the foundation for my attendance. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I've skipped FHE since moving to Utah, and I've been here for almost eight years.
Today was not the most spectacular of days at work, so when I got home I called Eliza and asked her to go with me to Sam's (the store, not my friend's house). What I really wanted was to see Ruby get hyper-excited to see me, because baby-lovin' can cure a myriad of ills, including stinky schoolchildren and poor bureaucratic decisions, but it's somewhat socially unacceptable to say such things, so I couched it in terms of wanting to spend time with my sister (which I also wanted to do--it was just secondary to my true motives). I enjoy talking to Eliza. She's not an idiot, like so many people are. Well, maybe she's an idiot, but if she is, then she's my brand of idiot, so it's okay.
I just spent the last five minutes staring at my socks. I'm wearing my bone socks, and only just realized the bones sparkle. How did I miss this?! I love things that sparkle!
Clearly this is a sign of sleep deprivation. I think I can safely go to bed, because I finally finished my ESL homework (I think...there's that one conflicting assignment where one page says I have to write a one-page summary, and then the other page that says I just need to come prepared to discuss. I'm going with the discuss option because I don't want to write more drivel (not that that stops me from posting on here)).
Um... End?