NAME: Christina
JOURNAL: Lollobrigida
EMAIL: lollobrigida [at]
AIM: onlysayinghello
WIKI NAME: Lollobrigida
Elle Bishop - Heroes
Anya - BTVS
Rose Tyler - Doctor Who
Oliver Queen - Smallville
Chuck Shurley - Supernatural
Eliot Spencer - Leverage
applied for - Jo Harvelle - Supernatural
FANDOM: Xena: Warrior Princess & Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
CANON: After Callisto and Ares open the portal to release the Sovereign from Limbo in the Hercules Episode - 4x13 Armageddon Now Part 1
WHAT THEY LOST: Callisto's Abilities as a Goddess Are Being Altered
1) Teleportation: She's only able to manifest herself using a fire based teleportation, no disco lights, and no secret sneaking up on people.
2) Time Manipulation: She's not able to stop time, but she's able to stop an individual person. She cannot travel through time, regardless of the amount. No two seconds in the past or future, nothing like that.
3) Invulnerability: She is no longer invulnerable to harm. She can suffer great wounds, such as being run through with a sword. These wounds will heal, but they will take time, and they will hurt. Surface wounds will heal quickly, without causing any physical pain, but she will bleed from them.
4) Electrokinetic Abilities: Will remain in tact.
5) Pyrokinetic Abilities: Will remain in tact.
6) Bending Reality: On the show Xena, while it was never shown in Callisto's canon, Gods and Goddesses have the ability to change things to their advantage. Aphrodite in one episode enchants a scroll giving the paper itself the power to make things come true. It was so powerful that it was able to remove the power of Aphrodite and Ares with its words. Callisto, technically should have this ability as well, but she was never focused enough to try and do anything with it. She was mainly fueled by rage and seeking vengeance on Xena. If she realizes she has this ability in Paradisa, she won't be able to do anything to other people directly. She'll have to enchant scrolls, or sticks or something. She can't change a person into a goat or something.
8) Portals: She can create them, but they can only transport her from place to place in the castle, and oh - they could yank people from around her with her.
9) The rest of her God Abilities - Telekinesis and making awesome sound effects when she fights all stay.
PERSONALITY: Note: Callisto's personality differs greatly once she becomes a demon, and then later an angel. Since I am applying her from before either of those happen, I'm sticking to her personality as a Warrior and Goddess only.
Crazy. Super Crazy. Okay, maybe not super crazy, but she's focused on one thing, and that tends to make her act in a less than 'sane' way.
Callisto is a warrior. Truly born into violence, Callisto was one of the few survivors of her village's destruction at the order of Xena, during Xena's time as a War Lord. Callisto's mother and sister were killed during the destruction of Cirra and she was raised by her father. The level of violence and destruction that she witnessed at a young age scarred her. Callisto bottled up her emotions, stating in an alternate timeline, after her mother's death, "I will never cry again." Even though the path she would take had changed, it is entirely possible that she still felt this way.
Keeping all of her anger and hatred bottled up caused a plethora of emotional and psychological problems. Over time it caused her psyche to break, and her sense of good and evil to skew considerably toward not caring about the difference between the two.
She feels that she's been physically hurt by what Xena's army did, and feels a great deal of emotional pain because of it. Everything inside of her hurts, and she uses this to express her rage in an outward manner. Thinking that if she just makes other people hurt, namely Xena, as much as she hurts that it will make her feel better. This sort of thinking is why she's continually trying to torture Xena, rather than just flat out kill her.
Countless times Callisto will attempt to inflict the most amount of pain onto Xena through putting others in peril, using her name to destroy and kill others, or stealing her life completely by trapping her in Tartarus while she runs around in Xena's body.
Callisto finds a sick gleeful pleasure in the suffering of others, namely Xena. This is evident in not only her mannerisms but her words when she hurts others. She kills Gabrielle's husband only a short time after they are wed, and within hours of that horrific death, Callisto antagonizes Gabrielle further, asking, "When I sliced open your husband, how long did it take him to die?" Callisto believes this to be entertaining, and laughs when she sees how hurt it makes Gabrielle.
In order to give herself the upper hand, she'll go to extreme lengths to become someone who can inflict more damage on Xena, for a much longer time. She seeks a Golden Apple to become immortal, she eats Ambrosia to become a Goddess, since living forever wasn't enough.
Through all of these things one thing remains true, and that is that Callisto is not well adjusted at all. The death of her mother and sister in such a violent and horrific way fractured something inside of her, and now she looks at things from a very different perspective.
She won't drink or partake in anything that will dull or lessen her senses, because she doesn't want the pain she's feeling to go away in any other way than the suffering of Xena.
She doesn't believe in love, because she thinks that all it does is make people want to breed. Breeding means an eventual amount of laziness and stagnant life, being trapped in one place by a child.
All she cares about is doing whatever it takes to make Xena miserable, and has gone to great lengths to make sure that happens. She takes offers from Gods, Amazons, and Hope all in an attempt to be able to get what she wants. Xena tries to forgive her for all of her actions, and Callisto sees this as a weakness, something that Callisto vows never to do for Xena.
All of her rage makes her unstable, and that lack of stability makes her dangerous. She feels like she's already lost everything, so why not share that loss with the one responsible for it. So she plans on spending the rest of her life ensuring that Xena feels the same amount of pain that Callisto believes she has been feeling since she was a child.
There was laughter echoing somewhere in the distance. Tilting her head aside, Callisto tried to hear if it was coming from the nursery where the children were meant to stay, or the main chambers where their mother was being fitted for her new clothing. It would be something if they were all together.
Xena's dear friends.
Saved. They heralded the Warrior Princess and her visit to their little village, a grand feast took place in her honor. Wine being drunk as men grew fat and lazy, sitting upon chairs they thought they had the right to be thankful for. No doubt Gabrielle smiling politely as she deflected their kindness.
"Oh no, really, it's fine. This is what we do," chided Callisto beneath her breath, mocking things she'd heard countless times over the years.
What had they done for them? Really, what good had Xena brought to them? Hope of a new future? The pleasures of being told that you were worth something, that all of the violence now needed to be balanced, and you were lucky enough to be worthy?
Why them? What had these friends of Xena done that merited them saving against her and her army?
Callisto's laughter threatened to rise up out of her, bubbling deep within her, as the wicked smirk crept over her features. Her hand clasped over her mouth, glancing through the halls to see if she'd been found, intent on keeping her arrival a secret.
"It's like a game," she whispered to herself.
Hide and go Kill.
Won't Xena be upset that she just had to leave so soon? Callisto had sent her army upon a neighboring village, and that just wasn't allowed. Callisto tsked to herself as she continued down the hallway, toward the sound of children playing. The weight of her sword in her hand was a reminder, a way to focus the ache that was at the pit of her stomach.
There was laughter, which meant there was something worth being happy about. Life, family, whatever passed for companionship with these people. Apparently they had it, and they weren't taking time to consider how close they had come to death. How it could be walking toward them at this very moment.
Her smirk flickered, unable to maintain that silence any longer. There they were, all happy and thrilled to be alive. She was once that happy, watching her mother, watching her -
"Mommy, there's a lady in the doorway."
"I won't be long," Callisto cooed to the little boy. "I won't be long at all."
[shoves something/someone off of her]
Lecherous fool. [probably not a good idea... but for now, oh well]
How did releasing the Sovereign bring us... [looks around] Where did he go? Where's the Blood of the Hind? [kicks Ares] This is your fault!!
[crack of lightning is heard and the page gets singed a bit]
I shouldn't have trusted you to be able to do anything right.