(no subject)

Aug 19, 2009 20:27

It's hard to update this thing when you fall out of the habit. I think I was discussing a similar thing with Chelsea a few months ago? Something about how you can have so much to say to someone when you see them every day and have a hard time coming up with things when you don't talk often. I decided this was because when you see each other often, you talk about more everyday things and random thoughts but when you rarely communicate, those random things seem all the more random and don't quite seem to fit in the conversation.

This is the way of LJ, I think. I didn't feel ever like talking about my dad here and that's been the biggest thing going on in my life, I think.

The job situation is still the same. No jobs in Duluth. But if I were to choose between working and BN for the rest of my life or moving down to the Cities the answer is easily to stay here. I've been trying to figure out just what it is that I want to do since it's hard to make a very aggressive move without knowing a direction. Searching for some job any job is clearly not working. There's been several books that I've thought about reading - things like What Color is Your Parachute but pretty much every one of those type of books have reviews saying how useless they are. Anyone have any suggestions for one in particular? I've started writing down ideas and keeping lists just to see where it leads my thinking.

Also? I have something like 32 icons pictures and pretty much only use 3 of them. Here's one!
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