Spinning Farther

Jun 11, 2008 19:16

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Spinning Farther
Rating: PG-13
Author: callista_mythol
Pairing (if any): Harry/Cedric
Prompt: (Any fandom) Coming out as public figures in a same-sex relationship.
Your summary: AU After Harry Potter reveals all to the Quibbler Cedric Diggory begins to take a closer look at himself.
AN: I was recommended to post here by minisoo so here I am :D

Spinning Farther

June 15th 2004


Cedric’s spoonful of cereal paused inches from his mouth as he glanced up and across the table at Cho whose mouth hung open slightly in surprise. Her eyes were quickly scanning the front cover of the Quibbler and Cedric, finishing his mouthful, pushed his unfinished breakfast to one side to lean across the table.

“What are you ‘Oh-ing’ about?” he said and at first Cho remained speechless but, with a visible effort, she shook herself free of her shock and looked up at her ex-boyfriend-turned-flatmate. Still wide-eyed she turned the front cover to him.

Boy Who Liked Boys?
In an exclusive interview with The Quibbler Harry Potter reveals all!

Cedric felt his own jaw drop.


Interview by Daphne Greengrass

“It’s one of those things that a part of you knows without letting the rest of you in on it,” says Harry Potter (age 23). His face is a faint shade of pink as though he feels embarrassed to be here but there’s something in his eyes that says he’s determined to see this through and to anyone that knows this young man that probably comes as less of a surprise than you’d think.

“I’ve always known in a way I guess, it’s just...well its complicated. I mean, I’m bisexual and I know there are going to be people on both sides saying that I’m ‘fence-sitting’ or ‘being a coward’ by not coming out as gay altogether but the fact of the matter is I’m not. I like women and I like men, it’s as simple as that. Admittedly if I could avoid a label altogether then that would be brilliant!”

He laughs and it’s not hard to see how both men and women could be drawn to such an intriguing young man. Putting aside the fact that its almost six years since Harry successfully beat You-Know-Who and that considering he never returned to finish his seventh year of Hogwarts Harry still managed to make it into the Auror ranks with sheer determination driving him, the young man sitting before me possesses an air of someone with power both magically and in personality. Attractive in an androgynous manner, all slim muscles and sharp distinctive facial features (the infamous scar boldly on show and intelligent green eyes watching me carefully) any man or women lucky enough to snatch up this one of a kind boy-celebrity will be the envy of the Wizarding World’s younger generation.

Not all of course are happy with this rather public move.

“No sense of discretion with kids today,” cries Gladys Gludgeon (age 45), a ministry worker of 15 years, “I don’t care what the boy gets up to but does he really have to announce it so publicly?”

“It’s not natural, two men,” says Duncan Inglebee (age 26), “Considering how hard it is already to keep magic running in family lines without marrying into the muggles it certainly doesn’t help when our most powerful wizards turn out to be flaming poofs!”

This is most likely a reference to Rita Skeeter’s Unofficial Biography of Albus Dumbledore back in 1996 that insinuated a relationship between Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald. It has since been confirmed that Dumbledore was indeed homosexual and Harry, taking on a much sterner appearance as our conversation turns to these comments, moves closer to steeple his fingers in a manner not all that different to his idol.

“Quite frankly I don’t care whether others think me obnoxious or ‘indiscrete’, the fact of the matter is that there are so few witches and wizards who even acknowledge their sexuality let alone admit to it that, after considerable consideration, I decided to come out. An article about me recently called me ‘a role-model for equality’. Admittedly it was referencing my work with the Werewolf community but I couldn’t help but feel like a fraud to be given such a title when in actuality I was keeping a part of me that others might connect with secret. Albus Dumbledore took his sexuality literally to the grave because he feared that others would consider it the absolute end to him being allowed to teach their kids and it saddens me that he was forced to do that. He was my hero, even when he drove me completely up the wall with his cryptic ways and I hope that he’s proud of me still.”

Harry falls silent and for a moment he looks out the window that is across from our cafe table. The hustle and bustle of Diagon Alley seems to have captured his attention and just as I begin to wonder whether he’s called our meeting to an end he faces me once more, his green eyes holding a fierceness recognisable to any one of us who’d been present in the hall at The Battle of Hogwarts. He’s silent a moment more until finally he speaks softly but firmly.

“No one should ever apologise for who they love and if me doing this stands for anything its that. If only one person takes something away from this then that’ll be enough for me, because believe me when I say there is nothing more freeing than knowing who are, acknowledging who you are and even possibly liking who you are.”


Cedric lowered the paper slowly, his eyes still tracing the words, taking all of it in. Cho, who seemingly had decided this called for a cup of tea, was at the countertop shaking her head minutely.

“Did Harry ever tell you he was gay? I mean, that came a little out of the left field didn’t it? He asked me to the Yule Ball in my fifth year after all, do you remember?”

Cedric barely took in what she said as he read the article again with a faint crease between his eyebrows. He sometimes found himself mouthing Harry’s quotes and swallowed thickly at the last paragraph.


He jerked his head up and found Cho staring at him worriedly. He realised then that she’d said his name a couple of times before he’d heard her.


“I asked if you’re okay? You look a little pale.”

“Oh,” he paused and stared at her for a moment before darting his eyes back to the story, “No, I mean yeah I’m okay, just...surprised is all.”

“About Harry being gay? You and me both but...Cedric, you’re okay with it right? I mean, okay, everyones entitled to their own opinion but,well, you guys are mates right? It’s not going to be a problem for you is it, because you really have nothing to worry about and I mean it’s not like he’s going to lunge wildly at...”

“What? No! No, I’m not...I don’t care if Harry’s bisexual! I just,, we talk all the time and, well, I guess...like you said we’re mates, we’ve always got along great, ever since the Tournament, especially since the Tournament and...” Cedric trailed off and Cho’s look of worry soon turned to sympathy.

“I’m sure he would’ve told you eventually it’s just the article beat him to it,” she said softly and Cedric looked across at her with a small grateful smile.

“Besides,” she said lifting her cup to her lips to take a sip, “I reckon he’s going to be feeling the heat today what with this being morning front page news. He could probably use a friend.”


Cedric stepped out of the Floo into the main hall of The Ministry of Magic and cringed at the usual level of noise that assaulted his already throbbing head. Despite working for the Department of International Magical Co-operation for almost eight years now he still never really got used to the claustrophobic nature of the Ministries interior.

Dusting himself off lightly Cedric sighed as he slipped the shoulder strap of his bag higher and headed towards the lifts when movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Glancing over he came to a shuddering stop.

Harry stood talking to two people (Aurors, Cedric noted from their uniforms even though one of them had almost neon green hair) and he was smiling faintly.

There was no denying that Harry had certainly grown up well, the morning article being correct in that Harry was neither masculine nor effeminate but instead a rather interesting mix of the two in his slender but fully capable build. It seemed ever since he’d hit puberty the boy (‘Man,’ some faint part of Cedric corrected) had a permanent three’ o clock shadow on his face, faint and to some possibly scruffy but it suited him rather well and it seemed that whilst his hair remained as untamable as ever it now looked artfully done instead of a mess. Harry did however continue to wear his unstylishly circular glasses whether in an act of defiance or genuinely not being bothered by fashion but he seemed to carry them off just as well as he had in school.

Harry Potter, it was safe to say, was certainly attractive.

Blinking at his own thought process Cedric shook his head slightly and hesitated momentarily before seemingly throwing caution to the wind and made his way over to the talking trio.

“...and I mean seriously, you should’ve seen Robard’s face when Danny boy here reaches over his shoulder to grab the paper. I thought the guy was going to shi...”

“Cedric!” Harry said suddenly and the green-haired woman who’d been talking stopped, glanced over her shoulder and then looked back at Harry. She must’ve mouthed or made a face because Harry suddenly glared at her (even though there was a glint of humour in his eyes as he did so). Looking back at him Harry smiled but there was a certain hesitance to it.

“Morning Cedric,” he said and taking a guess at the cause of the hesitance Cedric smiled encouragingly.

“Alright?” he said in return and a tension he hadn’t noticed before seemed to leave Harry’s shoulders, “Read an interesting story this morning.”

“Oh yeah?” the tension returned.

“Yeah, some kid I once knew was giving the proverbial finger to grumpy old Wizards and their out-dated views. Bloody fantastic read I thought.”

Cedric smiled more brightly as Harry grinned at him, the other two Aurors laughing and nodding in agreement.

“Good to hear it,” Harry chuckled and clapping the other male Auror on the arm as he passed Harry led Cedric away towards the lifts. As soon as they were far enough away from the duo though Cedric turned more thoughtful.

“I was a little sad though to find he seemed to think he couldn’t tell a friend about his preferences,” he said softly and looked out of the corner of his eye to see Harry jerk his head round to him.


Turning bodily to him Cedric halted their movements to stand face to face with him.

“Why didn’t you tell me in person?” he said quietly, “I wouldn’t have, don’t have a problem with it and, well, we’re mates right?”

Harry’s mouth was open slightly and for a moment he simply stared at Cedric before clearing his throat and looked down at Cedric’s shoes.

“I’m sorry Ced, really. It’s just initially...okay so I old Ron and Hermione last month right?” Harry seemingly nodded to himself and looked back at Cedric, “And whilst Hermione was over the bloody moon Ron was...quiet. I mean, its not like I was expecting party poppers and banners but he was just so...silent on the matter. Ron shouting I can handle, its what he always does but quiet? It worries me when he’s quiet because it usually means its hit him harder than say, an insult or a disagreement. He’s okay now, kind of, but sometimes...”

Harry trailed off when Cedric placed his hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

“I get it” he said gently and squeezed the shoulder under his fingers, “I understand.”

Cedric’s stomach shouldn’t have twisted pleasantly when Harry beamed at him, but clearly no one had informed him of that as butterflies took flight behind his abdomen.


June 22nd 2004

“He so did!”

Cedric was laughing so hard that he had to wipe away tears from his face, although thankfully he didn’t seem to be the only one. Ernie Macmillan was bent double clutching his stomach laughing so hard he had begun to hiccup, Richard Sampson (Cedric’s best friend since Hogwarts) had seemed to have lost control of his spine as he flopped about laughing silently and Cho was wiping her eyes with both hands. Justin Finch-Fletchley grinned at his audience seated in his living room before continuing.

“Anyway, he so did this double-take as if he couldn’t believe that I’d just said it right but what really made the whole thing so perfect was Harry Potter,” (Cedric sat up straighter), “Merlin bless him, must’ve heard the entire thing because without even breaking his stride as he walks past he says, he says ‘That’s actually not as physically impossible as Justin makes it seem as long as you have some ingenuity and a vast amount of lubricant!’”

Richard had fallen from the sofa by this point howling and even Cho gave up holding onto her dignity by squealing very loudly with laughter (although she did clap her hands to her mouth afterwards still giggling). Cedric however find his mind betraying him with a flash of imagery. It was literally so quick that he wasn’t even sure he’d seen anything but whatever it had been seemed to make him blush to his very roots. Thankfully everyone else thought his red face was a byproduct of his mirth.

“Oh Lord, oh my stomach,” Cho moaned and clearing her throat she glanced over at Cedric who grinned back at her, albeit shakily. “I swear ever since Harry did that interview he’s been...been more...”

“Cheeky,” Justin injected as he reached towards the coffee table in front of him, “No, that’s not true. He’s always been a little bit cheeky, his comments to Professor Snape come to mind in particular. I guess he feels more liberated to say what he wants now.”

“Nah,” Cedric found himself saying and blinked when everyone looked over at him curiously, “Well, think about it. When’s Harry ever held back on his opinions?”

Everyone grinned and nodded slightly.

“I think its because he feels free to flirt,” Cho said and Ernie snorted.

“You said that for the alliteration didn’t you?”

“I don’t think Harry’s really cared about flirting to be honest,” Cedric said before taking a sip of his own drink, “Not after you traumatised the poor boy back at the Yule Ball.”

“I didn’t traumatise him!” Cho protested as Richard barked out a laugh.

“You did, poor lad gets up the nerve to ask you out and what do you do?”

“Stay loyal to the boy who got there first?”

“Traumatised him.”

“Shut up! I didn’t.”

“Cho made Harry gay,” Justin teased and she threw her cushion at him.

“Bisexual,” Cedric corrected automatically but no one was really listening.

“Then he spends the entire evening glaring at poor Ced here,” Richard added as he climbed back up onto the sofa only to have Cedric push him off again.

“Maybe...” Justin turned sly before leaning towards, “Or maybe he was glaring at Cho.”

Everyone fell silent before there was a sudden burst of noise (and another projectile cushion from Cho).

“No way! He wouldn’t!”

“Oh come on, I highly doubt that ol’ Harry Potter harbored a crush on Ced here...”

“Justin! Just because Harry likes guys as well as girls doesn’t mean that...

But Cedric had stopped listening. It was absurd, the very idea that Harry would...but what if he did? What if, back then, Harry had liked Cedric ‘like that’? What if it’d been he, Cedric, who made Harry realise that he liked boys as well as girls.

And what if he was being a pretentious prick for even assuming such a thing?

Shaking himself out of his damning thoughts Cedric attempted to bring himself back into the conversation with a shaky breath. Clearly he’d missed a fair bit as Cho was pointing rather harshly at a grinning Justin.

“...and furthermore, he was barely into puberty! I highly doubt he knew all the way back then that he liked to date boys!”

“Ah but Harry’s usually quite quick on the uptake isn’t he?”

“Not when it comes to dating!” Cho said loudly then stopped and cringed good-naturedly as everyone laughed, “So not how I meant it.”

“I’m sure Harry would agree, don’t worry Cho,” Cedric said after a minute., “Besides I think Justin’s just pining for some gossip.”

“Oh I have gossip,” Justin said slyly before leaning back into his chair contently clearly enjoying the suspense he was building.

“What? Justin, don’t do this to a woman, my nerves can’t take it.”

Taking a slow sip of his beer Justin took his time leaning forwards to place it back on the table. Then, when he was sure he had everyone’s rapt attention, he looked over at Cedric with a twinkle of mischief in his eye.

“Funny isn’t it, how even though he could be in a room crowded with people he can always pinpoint you in seconds?”

Cedric’s mouth was feeling extremely dry all of a sudden and after taking a moment to rub his tongue across the roof of his mouth to unfuzz it he swallowed thickly.

“What?” he croaked out ignoring all the eyes watching him.

“What, you’ve never noticed? Harry...well he can barely keep his eyes off you can he?”

Cedric felt himself blush horribly and tried, much more unsuccessfully than usual, to ignore the samba party in his stomach.


June 25th 2004

Cedric toyed with his lower lip unconsciously as he sat in the Ministry cafeteria straining his head this way and that to properly see the people in the lunch queue. He wasn’t entirely sure what he was looking for (When did he ever, he thought pessimistically) and was about to turn back to his now throughly stirred cup of tea when he caught sight of a familiar mess of hair.

“Harry!” he called and raised his hand to show where he was as Harry glanced around before he halted. Blinking, he pondered his own motives as Harry grinned gratefully at him and after placing his own lunch tray down on the table sat across from him.

“Hello Cedric, long time no see,” he said cheerfully as wrestled with the wrapping on his sandwiches. Cedric smiled back but had a horrible feeling it was rather more goofily than he intended it to be.

“Ambassadorial talks with the Asian Wizarding leaders, you know how it is,” he said in return and Harry laughed as he nodded sympathetically.

“Lovely blokes but very chatty?”


“Yeah, met some of them a couple of years ago after the incident with The Chiyoe, you remember?”

“The Japanese equivalent of The Death Eaters? How could I forget.”

Harry nodded thoughtfully and gave a little ‘Ha’ as he finally managed to peel off the wrapping. He carefully bit into the sandwich and when he pulled it away he rested his hand, knuckles to lips, as he chewed before wiping away any crumbs that may have clung on. Reaching for his drink he swallowed his mouthful before taking a sip.

Cedric was completely enthralled by it all.

He shouldn’t be, not really but he couldn’t pull his eyes away from the man across from him. He didn’t know whether it was because of the now infamous article or whether it was because of the chat he’d had with his mates only a few days ago but he found himself watching Harry more often than not. It turned out that Justin could possibly have been talking out of his arse because over the last three days Harry hadn’t looked over at him too much and they certainly hadn’t had a chance to speak all that much with their busy schedules. If anything Cedric had been watching Harry far more than the boy had been watching him which was a little unsettling to think about in the long term so he tried not to.

Harry lowered his glass slowly and quirked his eyebrow curiously. Swallowing his last mouthful he lowered the glass back to the table and leaned forwards to get a better look at Cedric’s flushed face and overly bright eyes.

“You alright Ced? Only you look a little warm,” and looking concerned he reached across the table and placed his hand to Cedric’s forehead, the back of his hand pressing against heated skin.

‘He just had those knuckles to his lips,’ some treacherous part of his mind told him and he yelped a little but didn’t pull back. Harry however jumped slightly and pulled his hand back.

“Sorry, did that hurt?” he asked and Cedric, resisting the urge to snatch the hand back and ignoring the tingle in his lower body, nodded frantically as he valiantly tried to ignore the confusion coursing through him.

“Fine, fine,” he said huskily and unconsciously leaned in towards Harry too, “Just a little stuffy in this building sometimes.”

Harry stared at him critically a moment longer before seemingly letting the matter go for now with a crooked smile. It plainly told him that Harry didn’t quite believe him but for now he’d let it slide. Instead he made to open his mouth but was interrupted before he could get a word out.

“Potter, you scoundrel. Corrupting sweet Hufflepuffs with your wicked wicked kinky ways.”

Harry lowered his head with a laugh and both men turned their heads to watch as a witch (the one Harry had been talking to the week before Cedric noted) headed towards them with a very cheeky grin on her face. She wasn’t in uniform this time though.

“Cedric I don’t believe you’ve been informally introduced to Tonks, who may I add is very close to being referred to as Nymphadora for a very long time.”

Tonks, whose hair was now pink, grimaced and flicked her wand to draw up a chair behind her and spinning it she straddled it before crossing her arms over the back to rest her chin on them.

“Call me that and you’re going to be sporting Slytherin striped hair for a week,” she threatened good-naturedly and Harry chuckled as she held her hand out to Cedric, “Cedric Diggory of course, quite possibly one of our more fancied employees.”

Cedric chuckled lightly and scrubbed the back of his neck as he glanced over at Harry, who smiled gently at him. Cedric’s own smile grew bigger and he had the distinctive feeling that Miss Tonks was smirking at them, although he wasn’t sure as to why.

“I know you,” he said after a moment addressing the suddenly innocent looking woman, “You’re part of the Order of Phoenix. But I could’ve sworn you were married, isn’t Tonks your maiden name?”

“Yeah I am but only Remus is allowed to call me Dora, everyone else has to call me Tonks, otherwise they will be killed violently.”

Harry chuckled, “‘I kill you til you die from it’ is that right?”

Tonks grinned and winked at Harry. Cedric however frowned as he quickly went over things in his mind.

“Remus? As in Professor Lupin?”

“Yep! One in the same, guess you never really got to know The Order as well as The DA huh?”

Cedric smiled as he recalled his final year, being part of Harry’s underground Defense group Dumbledore’s Army and how he with the rest of the group returned for the final battle. It was true that whilst he may never had been allowed into the Order he felt that he actually did more for Harry being in his group anyway. Many newspapers had taken to calling them ‘The Championing Second Line of Defense.’

“Huh,” he said after a moment, “I always thought he was...” he stopped and looked at Tonks slightly panicked but she smiled at him kindly if a little sadly. Looking across at Harry he noticed he had gone awfully quiet.

“He plays for Harry’s team, swings both ways,” Tonks said softly, “He was seeing...no, he loved a man during the Wars but...well it was War...”

“Oh...oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean...”

“It’s fine Ced,” Harry said suddenly and Cedric noted that even if the impossibly green eyes were brighter than before his voice was steady, “You didn’t know.”

“Remus and Sirius. Believe me, I’m under no illusion that had Sirius lived that Remus would be with me today but...”

“Dora,” Harry said quietly and for all her joking that only Remus could call her that she seemed to look over at Harry desperately, “Don’t think that. Remus loves you just as much as he loved Sirius, you and Teddy.”

Having been given the abridged version of Sirius Black’s life from Harry before Cedric tried to envision his old Professor with the wrongfully imprisoned wizard he’d seen in the papers. Oddly, they fitted in his head.

“Teddy?” he said instead and seemingly it was the right thing to say as Tonks perked up slightly.

“Our son, Theodore Remus Lupin. And Harry’s Godson incidentally.”

“Smartest wizard of his age,” Harry said proudly and Cedric leaping at he chance to move to lighter things, grinned at the parental joy in both their voices.

“With Harry as his Godfather I imagine he’ll be giving McGonagoll grey hairs in no time...well more grey hairs anyway.”

Tonks laughed and Harry threw his screwed up sandwich wrapper at him getting him right between the eyes. Laughing Cedric threw it back and stuck out his tongue when Harry caught it like a true seeker.

“The Two Marauder Heirs,” Harry said smugly and puffed out his chest in pride only to give an ‘Oof’ when Cedric reached over to poke him in the stomach and quickly scanned his tray for more ammunition. Tonks watched all of this with great interest.

“What about you Mr Diggory? Married?” she asked and she grinned almost wickedly when both men paused in the sword-fight they had now taken up with their blunt cutlery knifes.

“Oh, erm, no. I haven’t really found anyone that I...just no,” he finished lamely and placed his knife back down. He glanced over at Harry who, rather curiously, was looking at him a little surprised.

“You?” Tonks said with far more glee than she should’ve had at such an admission, “Single? It’s a crime against nature! I know plenty of people who’d like to be wined and dined by yoOW!”

Cedric jumped slightly as she yelped and frowned as she leaned down to rub her shin. Looking over at Harry the other man gave nothing away as he calmly sipped his drink.

“I doubt that,” Cedric said with a faint smile, “I seem to have built a reputation with most girls for not being very good at the long term relationship deal.”

“Most girls,” Tonks grumbled slightly as she continued to rub her leg but when she lifted her eyes to him there was a mischievous glint still twinkling away in them, “Why is that then?”

“Pudding!” Harry suddenly said loudly and glaring at Tonks he pointed towards the counters, “Look Nymphadora, Chocolate cake, your favourite.”

Instead of the ‘death penalty’ she had threatened Harry with earlier she simply stood up laughing to herself and giving the black haired man a wink as she waved coyly over her shoulder.

“Nice meeting you Diggs, catch you later Harry, we still have that report to go over after lunch.”

Harry growled at her and she blew one final kiss at him before spiriting herself over to the counters (almost breaking her neck when she tripped slightly on a chair leg).

Cedric turned his gaze back onto Harry who still glared at the woman’s retreating back. Without really thinking about it Cedric reached over and brushed Harry’s hand with his to get his attention and then quickly pulled it back when Harry glanced down at it.

“She was nice,” he said smiling and Harry, now frowning but smiling as well, hummed in considerably doubt.

“Too like Sirius for her own good that one, not surprising she fell for a Marauder.”

Not really understanding all the Marauder references Cedric smiled more widely and Harry, catching sight of it, smiled back at him before winking as he sipped his drink once more.

The tummy butterflies were becoming such a regular occurrence now that he wasn’t surprised to find that the wink sent them all aflutter.


July 6th 2004

Cedric sat at his mother’s table with his chin resting in his hand, his eyes drifting to the window and then back to his mother’s back as she continued talking. He came home to his parents house at least once a week and everytime he did he was reminded that no matter how much he loved them, sometimes they were a little overwhelming.

“Cedric? Have you been listening?”

Without even looking up Cedric said, “Mrs Weasley, potatoes, greengrocers down the road, uncouth youth, smack around earhole. Listening mum.”

He snorted a little chuckle when she tapped him lightly on the back of the head. Rubbing it he looked up at her as she smiled down at him.

“You’re not too old to put across my knee you know,” she warned him before she returned to the stove.

“I’d break your legs, great lump that I am now.”

“I’m your mother, I’d find ways.”

“Of that I have no doubt. Dark Lords don’t scare anybody as much as their own mothers do.”

“Cedric,” she warned and Cedric looked at her apologetically. Like many wizards and witches her age his mother was uncomfortable discussing the Wars or even making comments like he’d just made. Clearly being around Harry wasn’t good for him as he’d seemed to have adopted the man’s dry humour in regards to darker times. To be honest though Cedric thought it an effective method, humour. It was that or cry and he didn’t think someone like Harry could cry freely.

Realising that his thought process had taken a route it quite recently took far too often Cedric shook his head and sat up straighter.

He wasn’t sure what to make of it all anyway. It didn’t help that his body and mind seemed to be in dispute recently meaning he more often than not found himself waving like a complete loon whenever he spotted Harry and that wasn’t even including the fact that he was always grinning like a spaz when they did get a chance to interact (although he had noted that Harry seemed to be in no better condition so he didn’t feel too badly about that). And whilst ordinarily that wouldn’t bother him too much it was the fact that he seemed to be continually finding ways of touching Harry, whether it be by poking, patting him on the shoulder, nudging him jokingly (which sometimes lead to Harry retaliating forcing them into some form of elbow poking war), touching his hand to get his attention or, Merlin forbid, standing as humanly close to him as he could when they met in the hallways. He probably wouldn’t even think much on it, probably considered them just a friendly pair of blokes, but he had a horrible suspicion he’d seen his mates during Hogwarts act in a similar manner when they were near girls they...

“Ced? Two sugars as usual?”

Cedric jumped making his chair scrape on the floor nosily. Blinking up blearily at his mother he stared at her for a minute then nodded slightly.

As she turned back to the teas Cedric reached up to toy with his lip anxiously. Surely not? It didn’t make any sense really, did it?

‘I mean, I’ve dated girls,’ he thought frantically even when a niggling doubt at the back of his mind pointed out that he always felt something was off when he dated girls. Had he not said to Tonks only a couple weeks back that he had a reputation for not being a long-term guy (which he thought was unfair as he tried, he really did, they just never lasted).

“Mum?” he said quietly, “How did you know you liked Dad?”

Seemingly startled by the out of the blue question but willing to answer it his mother said, “Butterflies.”

“Butterflies?” he asked with some trepidation.

“Yep. He’d come over, smarmy little ponce that he was,” she grinned at Cedric, “And despite the fact that I was already being courted by a lovely Ravenclaw boy he just didn’t give me butterflies like your father did.”

She smiled as she sat down across from him and handed him his mug. Taking it but not drinking Cedric stared at her with wide eyes.

“Oh. Bollocks.”


“Sorry Mum.”


July 12th 2004

“Harry’s round!”

“What? No! I’m not buying everyone a drink!”

“You’re rich and pretty, get over it.”

Laughing Harry frisbeed one of the card beer mats at Dean Thomas who ducked it effectively meaning it was Parvarti Patil who got it in the face. She squawked indignantly as the two men laughed.

Whenever they could the surviving members of The DA would meet up at a bar of someone’s choice (this time Terry Boot’s who opted for a traditional Pub in Bath) and shared stories of their lives. It was partly because they all needed something away from the day jobs but also it acted as a reminder that they had won, that they were still standing. Even if not everyone was present, and there was almost always a silent toast to their fallen comrades. This particular time a good number of them had turned up; The Patil sisters along with Lavender (who’d grown up considerably since the war), Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas still best friends, Ernie and Justin ducking in through the door with winks at Cedric (who had found himself seated between Harry and Richard), Hannah Abbot who still looked sad sometimes over the loss of her mother and friend Susan Bones but doing much better with Neville at her side, Harry’s two loyal friends of course (although Cedric noticed that it was Hermione on Harry’s other side and not Ron). Ginny was sitting across from Cedric and beside her Luna was whispering into her ear about something that made her snigger, Cho seemingly catching the tail end of what was said as she snorted into her drink. Gryffindor’s (as far as Cedric was concerned) best three ex-chasers and Terry Boot with Michael Corner. Not all of them but more than enough to take up the few tables that they’d pushed together.

“There’s no way I’m buying drinks for,” Harry did a quick head-count,” Twenty two people. Get your own you lazy arse.”

“Makes it sound unreasonable doesn’t he?” Seamus said joining in as he watched Harry attempting to wiggle out of his space, Cedric quickly jumping up to give him enough room.

“I’m buying myself and Luna a drink as she’s...oh, Cedric you’re done? Want another?”

Cedric glanced down at his drink he could’ve sworn was three quarters full and found it was indeed empty. He frowned and looked at Richard who made a show of smacking his lips. Glaring at him he sighed and made to decline when he spotted Cho, Ernie and Justin nodding at him frantically.

‘What?’ he mouthed and they nodded harder.

“Ced? Drink?” Harry waved a hand in front of his face and made him jump.

“Hey, why does he get a drink!” Dean cried, Seamus laughing as he took a sip of his own pint.

“Because he’s prettier than you,” Harry said cheekily and stuck his tongue out as he finally managed to get free of the tables.

“Yes please,” Cedric blurted and flushed as he followed after Harry trying very hard to ignore the sniggering from his friends. It didn’t particularly help that he caught a glimpse of Ron frowning at the tabletop.

The two men made their way to the bar and after flagging down a bartender giving him their orders they turned at the same time to face each other, leaning their hips against the bar-side.

“Sorry if I made you uncomfortable back there,” Harry said after a moment and Cedric frowned slightly in confusion until he remembered the pretty comment. Then he coughed into his hand in surprise.

“No no that’s okay. Can’t deny the truth,” he joked weakly and Harry chuckled. As the black haired man looked over at a noise behind the till Cedric used the momentary distraction to glance back at the tables. He blinked when he found nearly all of the group looking their way with rapt attention. Flushing he turned bodily to the bar making Harry look back at him.

“You look all hot and bothered, Pub too stuffy?”

Cedric nodded vaguely and played with his lip without thinking about it. He paused however when Harry reached up to pull his fingers away from twisting it this way and that.

“That can’t be good for your lips,” he said chuckling and Cedric stared at him feeling an undeniable pull in his navel like a portkey except he was touching nothing unless you counted the hand still holding his fingers still.

‘Kiss him.’

Cedric swatted the air around his head as though trying to hit a fly and Harry leaned back slightly. They looked at one another but Harry had a mixed look of confusion and amusement on his face.

“Ced, how many have you had?” he asked slowly and Cedric glared at him slightly.

“Not nearly enough apparently.”

Quirking an eyebrow at the comment Harry shrugged patting his shoulder reassuringly. Cedric tried to ignore the swooping sensation it created.

‘Pin him to the bar and Kiss him.’

Cedric jerked his head back this time and blinked harshly. Harry was a little more concerned this time and gently rubbed his shoulder as he looked into his eyes properly.

“You sure you’re okay mate?”

Putting a hand to his face Cedric groaned. This could not be happening to him, not at the age of 26. Wasn’t this the kind of thing that you realised when you were experimenting in school? Not that he experimented in school of course, he had his studies to get through after all.

What an idiot.

“Yeah,” he croaked out, “Yeah I just need some fresh air.” And without waiting for a reply he headed outside.


Life was a bitch. He’d always known that, known it since the first kid at school had been murdered during the war, knew it when the world asked a teenage boy to lead it to victory. He did not, however, expect it to also have this bad a sense of humour.

Realising that a) the reason you never felt entirely comfortable in a heterosexual relationship is because you are not, in fact, a heterosexual and that b) you rather fancy the young man who just happens to be the most famous wizard in the world was not something you wanted to happen. It should be the story you hear about involving someone else and then appropriately feel sorry for them before wondering how the hell they got so far through life not knowing that they were a bloody homosexual. And he was certain that’s what he was, let Harry be the ‘in-charge-of-his-sexuality’ bisexual as he, Cedric, had the lightning like clarity that the reason he avoided sex whenever he could was due to the fact that sleeping with women just did nothing for him.

“Merlin’s balls,” he muttered to himself as he sat perched on a low wall outside the front of the pub.

“No thanks, that’s a little too old for my tastes.”

Jerking at the voice Cedric caught himself before he toppled over and found himself face to face with a concerned Harry. Swallowing thickly he tried to ignore his now racing heartbeat.

“You looked like you were going to be sick, I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” Harry said as he sat beside him on the wall and Cedric avoided leaning towards him. Instead he gripped the wall tightly as he stared straight ahead.

“I’m fine, you can go back inside,” he said desperately. He felt Harry stiffen next to him and then sigh.

“Ced...have I upset you? Only you’ve been on edge with me for a couple of days now, like you don’t know what to do when you’re around me. Is it something I’ve said? Because I haven’t intended to upset you in any way and oh Merlin, it was the pretty comment wasn’t it? I knew it bothered you! Look, it was just a joke and you’re so good about these kind of things I didn’t think you’d mind if...”

Cedric grabbed Harry around the neck, tugged him forwards and kissed him so hard that they clashed teeth. Harry made a little noise of shock and placed a hand on Cedric’s chest as he pulled back to look at him properly. Both of them were breathing heavily and were wide-eyed as they stared at one another.

“Cedric?” Harry said in a hushed tone as though not to spook him and it seemed so absurd that Cedric promptly started laughing hysterically. He tried not to acknowledge how similar it sounded to sobbing.

“Oh Cedric,” Harry said softly and he gently tugged the other man forwards to wrap comforting arms around him. Cedric didn’t even think about it as he wrapped his arms around Harry’s waist and pressed his face to Harry’s neck shivering slightly but thankfully otherwise getting some semblance of control back.

“I don’t know what to do,” Cedric mumbled a minute later and closed his eyes as Harry reached up to stroke his hair lightly, “I never even considered it.”

“I think that’s the Wizarding world in a nutshell mate,” Harry said lightly and Cedric let out a weak chuckle. Then he paused and pulled back very slightly (but enough to stay in Harry’s arms) to get a proper look of his friend’s face.

“Where do I even start? I thought this kind of thing happened when you were a teenager.”

“If you’re lucky,” Harry said and he rather delicately tucked part of Cedric’s hair back behind his ear making the older man close his eyes for a second, savouring the touch, “But some people don’t realise it for years. Hell I’ve heard about people managing to go through entire marriages, have kids, have the kids grow up before they realise that the thing they’ve been lacking is an important part of themselves. You’re Twenty Six Cedric, you’re fine.”

Cedric huffed out a laugh, both relieved and shaky, before tucking himself back under Harry’s chin. Some part of him berated his clinginess, was even embarrassed by it, but he felt that considering his shock revelation (that if he was honest with himself had actually had more of a build up than he was ready to admit) he was allowed a moment of weakness. And if it encouraged Harry to keep stroking his hair then who was he to complain?

“Listen, let me go back inside for our cloaks and then we’ll find somewhere to talk,” Harry said after a long moment just sitting together and Cedric nodded against his neck. A frisson of excitement ran up his spine when Harry placed a kiss to the top of his head as he pulled away to head back inside the pub.


July 31st 2004

“Are you Harry’s boyfriend?”

Cedric gave a yelp as a pair of small hands grabbed his knee from behind suddenly and looking down behind him he was confronted with a serious looking seven year old with bright blue hair and intelligent hazel eyes. Feeling a little out of depth Cedric said the only thing he could think of.


“Teddy? Are you tormenting Cedric?” called a familiar voice from behind and clearly Cedric was less interesting now as the supposedly named Teddy gasped happily and rushed towards the backdoor of the Weasley’s house.

“Harry! Harry Harry Harry Harry!” Teddy simultaneously jumped and ran towards the owner of the voice and Cedric couldn’t help smiling just a little as Harry caught the cheerful boy mid-jump. He swung him round before pulling him in to blow a raspberry on his cheeks making the boy shriek with laughter and try to return the gesture albeit more sloppily than Harry had done.

The Weasley garden was almost packed with people gathered to celebrate Harry’s 24th Birthday, banners stretching between the house and nearby trees with a magically extended table groaning under the weight of a large buffet made up of several of Molly Weasley’s delicious meals. The Weasleys, Hermione, The Lupins, most of The DA and surviving members of the Order were there including a few Aurors Harry worked with. Even Cedric’s mother had turned up.

His father, however, had not.

Purposely not lingering on that depressing thought Cedric turned his thoughts back to Harry who had come to stand beside him holding Teddy balanced on his hip. Smiling up at him Harry winked at him playfully. Cedric winked back.

“So?” Harry asked and Cedric raised an eyebrow at him.

“So what?”

“You my boyfriend?”

Cedric carefully took Teddy from Harry, whispered something in his ear and then let the giggling boy run off to find his parents. Harry remained patient as all this occurred looking merely curious as Cedric took his hand and led him round to a quieter side of the house. Beginning to smile as understanding set in Harry obediently leant against the shadowed side of the house as Cedric braced his hands either side of the man. Then he moved into Harry’s body so that they were now nose to nose and after a silent minute of searching the amused green eyes he closed his own, tilted his head and pressed his lips to Harry’s in a much calmer fashion than he had their first time.

It started off chaste in manner, their mouths pressed together softly whilst Harry’s hands came up to encase Cedric’s face but it soon became more as Harry opened his mouth invitingly, encouraging Cedric’s tongue into play with his own. They kept it slow and lazy, Cedric’s hands resting on Harry’s hips as his thumbs moved in arches on Cedric’s cheeks, capturing his lower lip playfully before diving back in to kiss until they finally tapered off into little pecks once more.

Pulling away Cedric rested his forehead against Harry’s and moved one hand up to trace his index finger against the smiling mouth he’d just tasted,then grinned as he finally answered.


“Can’t say fairer than that,” Harry said in turn and leaned back in for another kiss.


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