Sep 22, 2006 22:25
I am such a lightweight!
Went up for drinks at the pub where I work - a few tiny drinks later and I am not the sober person I should be. Where has my drinking ability wandered off to? Scarily, given the length of time I've been at the pub and the meagre amount I had to drink, I should just about be within the legal limit for driving - and I would never consider even going near my car like this. Wibbly.
Have definite confirmation of the letting on the flat so I am moving in a week - so exciting! Can't wait to move in with the boy and begin a proper career - have been waiting for this for ages! Our letting agent is Carter Jonas and our postcode ends in 'SG' - how totally auspicious is that?!
English folk - any idea what a good broadband provider might be? I've never dealt with it before as it's a business account on our home and I always had college access at uni. The boy has never lived out of military or university housing either. We're going to be in Oxford so most providers will have access. Who is reliable (or unreliable!) and cheap?