WMC fic - Sick Day (Lindsay/Cindy)

Feb 11, 2008 12:02

Title:  Sick Day
Fandom:  Women's Murder Club
Pairing:  Lindsay/Cindy
Archive:  P&P, others ask
Rating:  NC-17
Disclaimer:  Not mine, but if they were, trust me, I wouldn't be hanging out here! ;)
Warning:  Not beta'd.  Any mistakes are all my fault and the fault of the cold meds I'm currently on.
Author Note:  This is a follow up to Aubz' piece called "Putty."  I took the ending of that and went a little further.  Okay, a LOT further.

In spite of the chilly temperature of the morning, I thought I'd surely melt into a puddle of goo when Lindsay pulled up on the black motorcycle.  When she swung her leg over the seat and swaggered over to me, all big Texas ego and sex appeal, my heart nearly stopped.  I had to be strong.  I had to resist.  I could do this.

Determined to stick to my guns, I got the key in the door before I felt her lanky frame and her leather jacket envelope me, pressing me firmly into the metal.

"Call in sick, come with me, and you can wear the jacket," her warm breath caressed my ear, before the tip of her tongue caressed the outer edge of my lobe.  How could any girl in her right mind refuse that?

"Get in front."

"You're bossier than usual this morning," I followed her to the bike, watching her hips move and the muscles play along her back through the sheer fabric as she removed the jacket, "You're gonna freeze, Linz."

"I'm used to it, besides you won't get the full effect if you're hidden behind me, Tiny Tim," she straddled the seat and slide back to make room for me while I slipped on the jacket, still warm from her body heat.  I pulled it tight around me for a moment taking in the scent that was uniquely Lindsay.  Just the smell of her made me dizzy.

I slide in front of her and followed her instructions as she told me where to put my feet and hands.  When the engine started up, my heart fell into my stomach.  I had never been on a motorcycle before and suddenly I was terrified.  Her right hand snaked around my waist, holding me tightly against her.

"Relax, I've got you."  We drove off down the main road, the wind whipping our hair around.  Self-conscious that my thick red hair would blind her, I tried to pull it back with one hand.  She leaned down close to my ear where I had pulled my hair back, "You better hold on with both hands."  With no warning, she veered off onto a side dirt road that hadn't seen traffic in quite a while.

"You like taking chances, don't you, Cindy."  It was a statement of fact, not a question.  "How daring do you feel today?"

She slipped her hand to the button of my jeans and unsnapped it with little pretense.  I jumped and she grabbed me around the waist again.

"Whoa, careful, don't make any sudden moves."  As we slowly climbed the dirt hill, I dared to look down to find her fingers unzipping the fly of my jeans.  Sweet Mary, Mother of all that's Holy.  She's gonna fuck me on the bike, and...I'm gonna let her.   I leaned my head back on her shoulder, willing myself to relax, trusting Lindsay to protect me.

Trying not to move too much, I raise up slightly waiting for the first touch as her hand slips past my underwear.  When her fingers finally find my clit, I lean forward gripping the handlebars hard.  Working hard to barely touch me so I don't go over the edge yet, she steers cautiously up the hill until we're at a bluff overlooking the city.  Simply holding me now, she stops and puts the kickstand down.  With the danger of pummeling down the hill gone, I release my hold on the bars and grip the long jean clad thighs on either side of me, raising up a little and pushing back into Lindsay's arms.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Lindsay!"

"I take it you like this," I could hear the laughter in her voice, her fingers barely moving.

"You're such a fucking tease!  You've been driving me crazy for months.  All of those lingering looks at Papa Joe's and the smartass comments about me being twelve." I was rambling.

"Cindy," she turned my head around to look at her, "shut up."  I was on the verge of opening my big mouth again when my words were swallowed by Lindsay's mouth on mine.  Dear God, she tastes good!  My brain is close to shortcircuiting with her tongue plunging deeper into me, but it was the fingers that slid lower and mimicked the motion of her tongue that let loose a deep, throaty moan.  I held onto the mouth attached to me, wrapping my fingers in dark hair, keeping her close, while my other hand gripped her forearm like a lifeline.  My hips bucked out of control and I could feel the scream building deep within me.

She let go of my lips, speaking in a deep throaty voice, her Texas accent more prounounced, "Scream for me, baby."  And I did.  All of the feelings that I'd held in for months, watching and longing for this dangerous woman from a distance, were set free in one long primal scream.  She stayed with me waiting for me to come back to my senses.

"You okay?"  I chuckled at the utter ridiculousness of the question.  Um, hello, I just got screwed on a motorcycle by Lindsay Boxer.  I think that goes in the category of "fanfreakintabulous."

"Let's just say that I have a lot of sick days saved up."

lindsay/cindy, femslash, women's murder club

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