Title: The Unexpected, 7/?
Fandom: WMC/CM Crossover
Pairing: Emily/Cindy; Cindy/Lindsay and Emily/JJ implied, if you squint really hard.
Rating: PG/maybe PG-13. There will definitely be some NC-17 at some point, but I’ll forewarn you.
Disclaimer: Don’t own a damn thing except what’s in my head! If I did, I wouldn’t have to write these fics to fill in
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(Sorry. I don't like to be pressured either *g*)
Great update. I like the tension between Emily and JJ. I really don't know how all those profilers don't get a clue ...
And that kiss between Cindy and Lindsay... So bittersweet!
We're actually competing with our stories *g* Because I got nominated in crossover, too (My first nomination EVER!!)
So good luck!
Good luck to you too, honey! There's no way I'll win, but it won't be so bad when I'm up against the likes of you! ;)
I had to give the L/C shippers a little something. Emily and JJ had a fight so someone needed to kiss.
Yes! I demand more kissage!!!
Hmmmm, only in the last year, huh? God, what does that say about those of us who have been speaking it all our lives? LOL
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