My Supia girl arrived, and I got her proper eyes in. I still need to get her some appropriate clothing, but she's just ... everything i wanted her to be.
She came in more bubble wrap than i'd ever seen a doll wrapped in. Supia means business with their bubblewrap. I ended up cutting myself trying to get the cocoon off. She came with the Hamin head and a gift wig, and Supia was nice enough to send the wig from the promo pics. It's an amazing wig, fits perfectly and is SO soft. I got extra hands and high heel feet. She came really tightly strung, with VERY thick elastic. She bit me pretty hard when I tried changing her hands, so I ended up with very bandaged fingers by the time I was done. XD Still she was an amazing poser like that. I restrung her with some thinner stuff, but I may switch her back to her old strings just for the posability. Maybe try to work on the elastic a bit to loosen it up a touch, just for feet changes. It's no good for head swapping, but I don't think I'll put Hamin on much anyway. She's adorable, in an insane unseelie faerie kind of way, but if I do keep her, she'll need her own body.
It helps to have my Saseum here finally. She's the most intense doll I have by far. I really adore her. I think Cari would have loved her too.
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