Today's cards stuck together--Fool's Child and Harmony
The more I'm a child, the more I let my inner fool out to play, the happier I am, the more I seem to be in harmony with myself and who I feel like I am and out of harmony with the "real world" of school, work, and mostly, my department. I feel in harmony with the world on my way to school, the woosh of the traffic and the crunch of autumn leaves under my wheels, playing my computer with so much more finesse than I ever played the piano.
I had my evaluation, and the disharmony came out, the disconnect between me and my department, the way that everything I'm doing could be lost if I don't find a way to get respect.
But I don't want to complain, don't want to live in complaint and whining and bitching. At some point I finally realized that I was happier being innocent, bouncing up and down when I'm happy, not trying to be cool and making up excuses for not enjoying life; if I find joy in the littleness, the small things, it is from practice and letting go.