So, I LOVED the episode. I know a lot of people didn't- or, at least, I've gotten that impression- but I am not one of them. I kind of recognize the validity of a lot of the criticisms I've been seeing, but they all didn't bother me when I watched the episode. I also feel like a number of people are interpreting the characters very differently from how I do, and so are seeing negatives while I'm seeing major positives. Usually these are in the cases where I'm fairly sure RTD intended it to be major positive, so I feel fairly validated in my opinions. :-)
Without further ado, my three things about
1. I am an unabashed, hardcore Ten/Rose shipper. And I though that the resolution was the single most perfect thing that has ever happened on DW. Because, you know what? Rose not only gets the Doctor, she gets a Doctor who can spend the rest of his life with her, the way, as Ten said in School Reunion, he initially never could. And she gets a Doctor, who, despite being as damaged as Nine was at the beginning of the show, can tell her he loves her- because, at least in part, he's not going to lose her. They can have a relationship that's equal on a level that was unimaginable before- and that is the perfect, perfect happy ending for them.
Also they can have Timebabies. Well, part-Timebabies.
OMG I loved that so much.
Also I have a screencap of Rose and Ten making out as my new background.
2. Yeah, okay, so most of those characters were completely superfluous. Jackie and Francine didn't need to be there at all, Gwen and Ianto were quickly disposed of in the first five minutes and ignored for the rest of the episode, and Mickey was only there to be introduced as the new Tosh on TW. Which, by the way, I'm really excited about now- Mickey and Martha on TW FTW! Despite the complete unnecessariness of all those characters, I loved it, because the Doctor got to have his massive Ood-song-accompanied flying the TARDIS with all his companions gleeful party scene. And he got the lesson about consequences that the show has been pushing from the beginning. And it was beautiful. And I loved it. Wow, I'm being incoherent. The scene with Martha and Jack and the destroying the world, so perfect. Whee!
3. DALEK CAAN: Shut up, Davros!
Best. Random Plot Twist. Ever.
I probably should have a fourth thing about Donna. I'm not really sure what there is to's tragedy on the level of anything we've seen before- possibly worse. The Doctor's life- despite the happy Ten/Rose ending: still sucking.