What a wonderful butler, he's so violent!

Feb 10, 2008 23:02

Two concerts, four standing ovations, one yelp at the beginning of the Kastchei Infernal Dance, and a lot of sore fingers later, and we're through another concert week. Pretty good weekend actually- we put on some solidly good shows. Everybody really likes Firebird. (Including me, obviously.)

I think a lot of funny things happened this weekend, but I can't seem to remember any of them right now. beautiful_rain_ did have a lovely discussion regarding Doctor Who and his cause of regeneration (I think the Fourth Doctor to Fifth?) at one point this evening:

Me: What did he die of?
D: He's the one who died in a field.
Me: Of what?
D: Grass.

We watched some lovely Old Who (the one where the Doctor and Romana go on holiday in Paris), which is the first Old Who that I've really genuinely liked, though I'm also on a strange Ian/Barbara kick. I have scholarly Buffy books all over my floor, and I think a week to go on the main draft of the thesis. One last big chunk on Riley and patriarchy, and I'm done. Done in the sense that I then have to write all the introductory and concluding material and all of the bridges between sections, do some seriously hardcore editing, and plug in a LOT of discussion of other people's work. Still, it's a big step.

I have all these little discussion-y things I really want to write, like on that Supernatural episode with the witches, which reads like a textbook example from my SWAG class - I just read like five articles on violence against women and masculinity. I will refrain for the time being, but will put the thought down here in case I ever get around to writing it. (Especially when I really should be working on financial aid applications.) I also want to talk about pornography and prostitution- we've been having some fascinating discussions in my SWAG class, in which I have...issues. Everybody is all "ban the porn and the prostitution, because it's bad for women and objectifying and leads to sex trafficking and rape and *gasp* porn addictions!" And I'm all not saying anything, (which is lame, I know, but whatever...maybe I should go to office hours or send my professor an email or something) but I don't agree even though everything they're saying is technically true, you know, and I feel all conservative for supporting the porn industry and clearly I'm very backwards or something. I'm starting to go look up feminist defenses of pornography and sex work, and it's making me feel a little better.

Anyway, I've babbled long enough. Also, I just found a bunch of really cool articles on porn, that I'm going to go read now.

classes, orchestra, swag, doctor who, thesis

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