More thoughts on Tech

Apr 16, 2007 21:53

I talked to Mom, to see if she'd heard anything from Anna's parents...she said Anna's mom had talked to Mary (Anna's brother's girlfriend, who goes to Tech) and gotten a fairly comprehensive report on what was actually going on down there.... Mary was in the hospital waiting room with her roommate, whose boyfriend had been shot several times, but is apparently in stable condition. They had evacuated campus, which Mary was upset about, since they weren't allowed to go back to the dorms to get computers or even medications. It seems kind of counter-productive to me- if the shooter is dead, why not just let everyone get back to their homes?

I don't know, there doesn't actually seem to be much to say about this kind of random violence- I'll be fascinated to see how it all turns out, if they discover a motive for the shooter, or anything like that. What really struck me about the entire thing was the way that technology was so useful to everybody. By 2, when I got home, all of my facebook friends from Tech had posted notes that they were ok. It seems like such a contrast to 9/11, which I remember as being a frantic mess of calling everyone and not being able to get through- now, five years on, we have the technological networks to be able to assuage a lot of that kind of panicking. Of course, we are all college students, and so that's a different situation- I just honestly think it's awesome how fast everyone here mobilized via the internet.

Hmm...their website is down. Server overload, maybe? The one problem with the news sources is that they don't seem to be giving a hugely accurate picture of what's going on- I heard rumors on LJ that "the whole state was cancelling school," which, by the way, is not even remotely true- Gov. Kaine did declare a state of emergency, but that has no effect on school closings- and I'm kind of wondering how much the new sources are sensationalizing what's happening. I like getting my news better in person, even if it's through the grapevine, it's probably more reliable than cnn.

tech, news

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