Stories like
this always get me terribly excited, despite the fact that the odds of seeing any of these recovered classics in anything approaching the near future is close to zero. Copyright's a bugger. (On which topic: has anyone here any experience with hunting up obscure things at the BFI? When they say things like 'anything with a 'viewing' status is potentially available for research purposes', do they actually expect you to produce any proof that you are engaged in such legitimate research, or can you just turn up looking shifty and mutter 'ummm, yes, I'm researching...depressed social conditions in Thatcherite Wales. Which is why I wish to watch
Morgan's Boy, and not just because it stars Gareth Thomas and there's a crossover with it in one of my favourite Blakes 7 zines.')
Still: a BBC production of Jean Anouilh's version of Sophocles' Antigone starring Dorothy Tutin and David McCallum, that made the front cover of the Radio Times in 1959 but has not been seen since... Maggie Smith and Robert Stephens star opposite each other as Beatrice and Benedick in a 1967 production of Much Ado About Nothing recorded for the BBC... - these things made me flap and squeak fangirlishly at 8.30 this morning, which is an impressive achievement.
(In other news, I am dipping my toes in the pool of Dreamwidth, and finding the water pleasant, even if the pool is at present a trifle on the quiet side. [If people start divebombing and running screaming along the sides while the lifeguards look on stony-faced, I shall regret that statement, however.] I am making myself comfortable by *effacing all visible differences between my DW and LJ pages*, which does admittedly get a little confusing on occasion. I have vague plans for a new layout here, but at the moment don't want to get rid of Max and his frilly, frilly cuffs. This is also my first experiment with cross-posting, so I fully expect Disaster.)
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