Hullo again all ^_^ Gosh, two posts in a month, never were such days. Anyway, I'm considering moving mostly over to Dreamwidth - or at any rate setting myself up a journal over there from which I can poke around a bit and get used to the place, in case of future migration - and I'll be importing the contents of this journal over there. I'm also planning to import the comments, as I'd very much like to keep those if I decide to get rid of this place. However, I realise that some people may not be happy about their comments being posted somewhere else (although I assure everyone that my profile on Dreamwidth will be just as low as it is here...). There's no selective filter for importing comments to Dreamwidth, sadly, so I can't filter out the comments of selected users automatically; but if you don't want your comments to be reposted on my new blog, please leave a note here, and I'll go through and delete them manually from the new account after the migration. I have been assured by a DW support-person that deleted comments aren't retained on their servers.
Importing a journal to Dreamwidth with comments also automatically creates an OpenID for any LJ-user who has posted one of those comments, associated with that LJ username (unless of course they've got an OpenID already, in which case they won't need to create one). The user can then use that OpenID to delete their comments on my new journal anyway. I don't think I've heard of any privacy-related ramifications of OpenIDs, so I hope that won't be a problem for anyone; there's an FAQ about them
here. If anyone has any queries about that - well, I probably won't be able to answer them, being generally a bear of little brain, but I'm willing to give it a try or post a support request. The other option, I suppose, would be to delete the comments of certain users from here before I import the journal to DW; but I'd rather not do that if possible, I love my comments ^_^
If I don't hear anything within a couple of days I'll assume people don't object to having their comments migrated too, and I'll import the journal. If you only find this entry after that's happened, then either get in touch and I'll delete your comments, or use your OpenID to do it yourself.
/public service announcement.